WWE RAW Results Coverage, Reactions and Highlights for June 24, 2024 (2024)

It’s Monday night, and you know what that means! WWE RAW will go down tonight, and Ringside News has got you covered with live play-by-play results coverage for the June 24, 2024 episode.

The start time for WWE RAW is 8:00 PM EST. Match-by-match highlights and results from the show will take place on this very page. Feel free to leave any reactions in the comment section below.

WWE RAW Lineup (6/24/2024):

  • WWE Women’s Money in the Bank Triple Threat Qualifying Match: Lyra Valkyria vs. Shayna Baszler vs. Damage CTRL’s Kairi Sane
  • WWE Men’s Money in the Bank Triple Threat Qualifying Match: “The Monster Of All Monsters” Braun Strowman vs. Alpha Academy’s Chad Gable vs. “Big” Bronson Reed
  • Singles Match: The Final Testament’s Karrion Kross vs. The New Day’s Kofi Kingston
  • “The Scottish Warrior” Drew McIntyre will return
  • Singles Match: Bron Breakker vs. Imperium’s Ludwig Kaiser
  • Tag Team Match: WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions The Unholy Union (Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn) vs. Kayden Carter and Katana Chance

WWE RAW Results (6/24/2024):

The show opens up with a shot of the arena as Michael Cole and WWE World Tag Team Champions The Miz welcomes us. Cole then mentions WWE’s deal with the city and says there are 12,269 fans in attendance. Cole then says Pat McAfee was not present and started to address the Wyatt Sicks attack before he was distracted.

“The Scottish Warrior” Drew McIntyre then walks past the commentary table and enters the ring. As soon as McIntyre enters the ring, he says everyone was talking about how he quit last week, but they are not talking about that now as they are talking about him attacking CM Punk on SmackDown this past Friday. McIntyre then says what he did on Smackdown was so good that he wanted to see it again. We then get video footage of McIntyre attacking CM Punk on Smackdown.



McIntyre then says he prayed for something like this to happen and adds that he is done with fans chanting for Punk. McIntyre then says fans have spent months listening and watching what Punk has done to him and yet, they still want to see him. McIntyre then says anyone chanting Punk’s name is dead to him, then addresses Punk directly and tells Punk he hopes that he’s uncomfortable and being fed through a straw. McIntyre then says he didn’t just take Punk’s dignity, but a bracelet with Punk’s wife and dog’s name on it. McIntyre then holds up the bracelet as he says he knows how much it means to Punk, then says he wears it when he leaves home so he can take them with him as to not feel alone. McIntyre then says Punk is in pain and miserable because of him, then declares that he will be entering the Men’s Money in the Bank Ladder Match as Punk lays at home. McIntyre then says he knows what it’s like to be alone and that he is not alone anymore. McIntyre then puts on Punk’s bracelet and says he has Punk’s family with him in his corner now. McIntyre then promises to win the Men’s Money in the Bank briefcase and cash in on the same night to become the World Heavyweight Champion in spite of Punk. McIntyre then tosses the mic and exits the ring. McIntyre then kisses the bracelet. The Miz then says McIntyre sees himself as the hero because Punk has cost him the World Heavyweight Championship twice.

We then get a video showing the debut of the Wyatt Sicks last week.

Alpha Academy’s Chad Gable was then shown arriving in the parking area. Gable tells the cameraman that he will not do this now. Four security guards then surrounded Gable and covered his face as they walked through the parking garage area.

We then see Cathy Kelley standing outside of Chad Gable’s dressing room, where a couple of security guards were stationed. Kelley spoke about how other wrestlers told her that they were shocked that Gable showed up. Kelley then says she has yet to confirm the extent of Gable’s injuries and hopes to find out more about him and the other victims.

Ludwig Kaiser is then interviewed by Jackie Redmond in the Gorilla Position. Kaiser accuses Breakker of viciously attacking him last week. Kaiser then says he will prove to everyone that he is destined for greatness and that Breakker is not him. Kaiser then makes his way down to the ring for the next match, which is a Singles Match and Bron Breakker is already waiting in the ring.

Singles Match: Bron Breakker vs. Imperium’s Ludwig Kaiser

The match starts off with Kaiser shoving Breakker, then delivering a few strikes on him. Breakker then responds with a series of right hands and a shoulder tackle, but Kaiser sends him colliding with the ropes and delivers some right hands on him. Breakker then sends Kaiser crashing into the corner, then hits him with shoulders on his midsection. Kaiser then trips Breakker and delivers more right hands on him. Kaiser then hits Breakker with a kick and sends him crashing into the ring post shoulder first. Kaiser then dropkicks Breakker out of the ring and hits him with another kick, but Breakker sends Kaiser crashing into the ring apron spine first and hits him with a clothesline off it that sends himself and Kaiser crashing over the announce desk. Kaiser then looks to nail Breakker with several chops. Breakker then stays standing and delivers some right hands on Kaiser and follows it up with a back elbow. Breakker then sends Kaiser crashing into the mat and follows it up with a German suplex, then hits him with a clothesline in the corner. Breakker then places Kaiser on the top turnbuckle and joins him up there, then hits him with a hurricanrana. Breakker then places Kaiser over his head and looks to send him crashing out of the ring, but Kaiser escapes. Breakker then throws Kaiser out of the ring with a belly-to-belly suplex and charges at him, but Kaiser sees Breakker coming and sends him crashing into the ring steps. Kaiser then charges at Breakker, but Sheamus intercepts him to cause the disqualification.

The winner of the Singles Match due to a disqualification, Bron Breakker!

After the match, Sheamus clears the announce desk and looks to send Kaiser crashing through it. Breakker then spears both men and is left standing tall.

We then head to The Judgment Day’s clubhouse, where “Dirty” Dominik Mysterio is holding a huge plate of chicken nuggets sent to him by WWE Women’s World Champion Liv Morgan. Dominik then receives a text from Morgan and WWE World Heavyweight Champion “El Campeon” Damian Priest warns Dominik about what will happen when Rhea Ripley returns. Priest then encourages Dominik to end things with Morgan. After Dominik leaves the room, Priest gives the others a guilt trip for playing games when they should be focused on taking out Braun Strowman. Once Priest leaves, Finn Bálor tells the others that they need to take care of Strowman.

We then see Bron Breakker head to RAW General Manager Adam Pearce’s office and demand that Pearce do something about people interfering in his matches. WWE Intercontinental Champion Sami Zayn then appears and offers Breakker a shot at the Intercontinental Championship at any time and any place he wants. Breakker then tells Zayn he wants it at Money in the Bank and Pearce makes it official. Breakker then says he is going to destroy Zayn.

We then get the entrances of the next match of the night, which is a WWE Women’s Money in the Bank Triple Threat Qualifying Match.

WWE Women’s Money in the Bank Triple Threat Qualifying Match: Lyra Valkyria vs. Shayna Baszler vs. Damage CTRL’s Kairi Sane

The match starts off with Sane going after Valkyria. Sane delivers a kick on Baszler, but Valkyria pins her. Baszler then kicks out and Valkyria sends her crashing into the corner. Baszler then runs over Valkyria with a clothesline and sends Sane crashing into the mat, then goes for a pin. Sane then kicks out and Baszler sends Valkyria into the corner. Valkyria then trips Baszler and hits a Northern Lights suplex on her and goes for a pin. Sane then breaks the fall, then nails both Valkyria and Baszler. Sane then climbs to the top and hits a crossbody on both women on the outside. Sane then sends Baszler crashing into the ring apron, but Valkyria hits Sane with a dropkick through the ropes and gets her back inside the ring. Valkyria then hits a dropkick off the top rope and follows it up with a suplex, then goes for a pin. Sane then kicks out and Baszler hits Valkyria with a suplex. Sane then sends Baszler into the mat, then drags her over to the corner and climbs to the top. Sane then looks to hit the In-Sane Elbow, but Baszler blocks it and looks to put her in the Kirifuda Clutch. Valkyria then rolls Baszler up before she can, but Baszler kicks out. Valkyria then hits an enzuigiri on Baszler and looks to hit a second one on Sane, but Sane avoids it. Valkyria then hits the Night Wing on Sane and goes for a pin, but Baszler breaks the fall with a kick. Sane then climbs to the top, but Baszler hits her with an enzuigiri. Valkyria then gets Baszler up on her shoulders, but Baszler puts her in the Kirifuda Clutch. Valkyria then transitions into a pinfall, but Sane breaks the fall with the In-Sane Elbow. Valkyria then hits Sane with the Night Wing for the win.

The winner of the WWE Women’s Money in the Bank Triple Threat Qualifying Match, Lyra Valkyria!

We then head to the back and see “The Scottish Warrior” Drew McIntyre and RAW General Manager Adam Pearce having a little chat. McIntyre asks Pearce to add him to the Men’s Money in the Bank Ladder Match, but Pearce declines. McIntyre then tells Pearce he knows he’ll do the right thing unless he wants to see the destruction he can do.

WWE Women’s World Champion Liv Morgan then made her way down to the ring to address the WWE Universe.

Liv Morgan starts off by saying since she couldn’t get Dominik’s attention backstage, she wanted to come down to the ring. Morgan then says she hopes he enjoyed her gifts and she knows what he really wants. Morgan then tells Dominik that Rhea Ripley has never gotten him any gifts and that she doesn’t care about him. Morgan then calls Dominik out to the ring to thank her for the gifts and to give him another one. Zelina Vega’s music then hits and she makes her way down to the ring. Vega says she has a gift for fans and that’s making Morgan quiet. Vega then says she doesn’t know why Morgan is chasing Dominik, but she has forgotten about the Women’s World Championship. Vega then says she is coming for it and Morgan tells Vega she hasn’t forgotten about her title. Morgan then gloats about taking out Ripley and Becky Lynch, but Vega tells her she’s too worried about having fun. Vega then says her why will always trump Morgan’s pursuit of Dominik, then challenges her to a Women’s World Championship Match tonight. Morgan then tells Vega she is busy and calls Dominik out to the ring once again.

Dominik’s music then hits and he makes his way out. Morgan asks Dominik if he liked the gifts she got him and Dominik says while he got the gifts, he didn’t like them. Morgan then says she knows Dominik liked the text she sent and Vega asks what’s going on. Vega then says if Morgan is too afraid to fight, she doesn’t have to bring her man out to the ring. Dominik then says he’s not Morgan’s man and if Vega wants to go after Morgan’s title, he wants to help her. Dominik then tells Vega he knows she’s had her differences with Ripley, but he wants the title on anyone but Morgan. Vega then tells Dominik she doesn’t need his help. Morgan then attacks Vega and both women begin brawling. WWE Hall of Famer Rey Mysterio then shows up to pull Morgan off Vega, but Dominik shoves him and leaves the ring. Morgan then chases after Dominik.

We then see Cathy Kelley standing outside of Chad Gable’s dressing room and she says that medical personnel checked on him and Adam Pearce was in the room. Pearce then comes out and says Gable is cleared to compete. Kelley then asks about Gable’s mental state and Pearce says that’s not his story to tell. Michael Cole then asks The Miz if he felt Pearce should allow Gable to compete tonight after what happened last week. Miz says if Gable wants to fight, then Pearce should let him.

We then get a video package on Seth “Freakin” Rollins.

“The Monster Of All Monsters” Braun Strowman then makes his way down to the ring for the next match, which is a WWE Men’s Money in the Bank Triple Threat Qualifying Match.

We then see WWE Women’s World Champion Liv Morgan chasing after Dominik Mysterio and Dominik telling Liv Morgan to leave him alone. Morgan then thanks Dominik for being her hero. Morgan says Dominik saved her from his deadbeat dad. Dominik then says he just doesn’t like him. Morgan then says now she knows that Dominik wants this just as badly as she does. Morgan then hugs Dominik, who holds his arms up in the air and then walks away. WWE World Tag Team Champion R-Truth then shows up and speaks about Dominik being a reluctant hero and says those are the best kind. Truth then says he loves it when love is in the air. Truth then says Dominik seems to be playing hard to get. Morgan then says she wants to do something nice for Dominik and his friends. Morgan then says she thought she would get Dominik a match against his father next week and asks Truth if she could get a tag team title match for Finn Bálor and JD McDonagh. Truth then agrees to the match. Morgan then tells Truth to make sure he gets the match approved by Adam Pearce. The Miz then leaves the announce desk to make sure Truth doesn’t get the match be made official.

“Big” Bronson Reed then makes his way down to the ring for the next match. Alpha Academy’s Chad Gable then makes his way down to the ring with a microphone in his hand. Gable asks the fans if they believe in miracles. Gable then says the rumors of his demise were greatly exaggerated. Gable then says he can’t be killed and then declares that he will win MITB and call himself “Master in the Bank.”

WWE Men’s Money in the Bank Triple Threat Qualifying Match: “The Monster Of All Monsters” Braun Strowman vs. Alpha Academy’s Chad Gable vs. “Big” Bronson Reed

The match starts off with Gable delivering some chops on Reed and Strowman. Both men remain standing and Strowman nails Gable with a chop. Strowman then stares Reed down and the two lock up. Strowman then nails Reed with a shoulder tackle, but Reed low bridges him to the outside. Gable then looks to hit a German suplex on Reed, but Reed blocks it and looks to send Gable on top of Strowman. Strowman then catches Gable and Reed hits a tope suicida to land on them both. Gable then has an arm bar locked in on Strowman using the ropes. Gable then hits a dropkick on Reed, but Reed looks to hit a running senton on him. Gable then sees Reed coming, then goes after both men in opposite corners. Reed then hits splashes on Strowman and Gable in opposite corners, but Strowman sends Gable on top of Reed and runs Gable over with a running shoulder tackle on the outside. Reed then sends Strowman crashing to the outside, but Gable hits a German suplex on Reed and goes for a pin. Reed then kicks out and Strowman sends him crashing into the ring post on the outside. Strowman then bodyslams him onto the floor. Judgment Day then attacks Strowman and beats him down on the ramp. Gable then hits a moonsault off the top rope on Reed for the win.

The winner of the WWE Men’s Money in the Bank Triple Threat Qualifying Match, Alpha Academy’s Chad Gable!

After the match, the lights go out and smoke surrounds Gable in the ring. The Wyatt Sicks’ music then starts playing and Nikki Cross crawls into the ring and makes her way towards Gable. Gable then slides out of the ring and slides out of the ring as well and grabs a box. Cross then places it on the announce desk and walks off through the crowd.

Michael Cole then reveals the box Cross gave him and it was addressed to Pat McAfee. Cole then opens it to reveal a VHS tape with “play me” written on it. Cole then gives it to someone to take to the production truck to play.

We then head to the back, where Chad Gable admits he made a mistake and tells Otis, Maxxine Dupri and Akira Tozawa he was wrong. Gable then apologizes and calls them a family, but Otis tells Gable anyone who hurts Dupri and Tozawa isn’t family. Dupri then tells Gable that he really hurt Otis and he needs some time. The Creed Brothers and Ivy Nile then approach Gable to ask him if he’s alright and Gable says he needs help.

We then get the entrances of the next match, which is a Tag Team Match.

Tag Team Match: WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions The Unholy Union (Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn) vs. Kayden Carter and Katana Chance

The match starts off with Fyre and Carter. Carter sends Fyre and Dawn out of the ring. Carter then hits both Fyre and Dawn with a dropkick, then sends Chance colliding into them to take them out. Carter then has a reverse knee bar locked in on Fyre. Fyre then makes her way to the bottom rope to break the submission move, then tags in Dawn. Fyre and Dawn then look to hit Carter with a double suplex, but Carter blocks them and sends them crashing into the mat. Carter then hits Dawn with a kick, then tags in Chance. Chance and Carter then hit the Keg Stand on Dawn and Chance pins Dawn, but Dawn kicks out. Fyre then tags herself in and hits the Gory Bomb-Russian Leg Sweep combination with Dawn for the win.

The winners of the Tag Team Match, WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions The Unholy Union (Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn)!

After the match, Damage CTRL appears and attacks Fyre, Dawn, Carter and Chance. IYO SKY then hits the Over The Moonsault on both Dawn and Fyre.

We then head to The Judgment Day’s clubhouse, where WWE World Heavyweight Champion Damian Priest enters as Liv Morgan leaves. Priest then finds Finn Bálor inside and Bálor assures Priest that nothing sketchy happened. Bálor then informs Priest that Morgan managed to get him and JD McDonagh a WWE World Tag Team Championship Match for later tonight and a match against WWE Hall of Famer Rey Mysterio next week. Priest and Bálor then agrees that it seemed too good to be true. Priest then wishes Bálor good luck with his title match later tonight. Bálor’s expression then changed once Priest leaves and he rolls his eyes and shakes his head.

We then get an ad for the WrestleMania XL “Behind The Curtain” documentary that will air on Wednesday, July 3rd on YouTube at 6CT/7ET.

We then head to the back, where The Miz catches up with R-Truth and hopes he has not yet spoken to Adam Pearce. Truth says he has and then spoke about how he did it for love. Truth then calls it a classic romcom. Miz then says it’s not about Liv and Dom, it’s about them. Truth then says he loves Miz, but only as a friend.

WWE World Heavyweight Champion “El Campeon” Damian Priest then makes his way down to the ring to address the WWE Universe.

Damian Priest starts off by saying he understands why Seth “Freakin” Rollins said he sees himself in him during a video that played earlier tonight given the similarities they share. Priest then says he sees someone he doesn’t want to become in Rollins and while Rollins is great, as long as he’s World Heavyweight Champion, Rollins will never see the mountain top again. Seth Rollins’ music then hits and he makes his way down to the ring. Rollins welcomes fans to Monday Night Rollins and asks Priest if he wants to run his mouth about him. Rollins then clarifies Priest’s statement about him never climbing the mountain top again and says the problem is that he doesn’t believe him. Rollins then says he thinks Priest’s confidence isn’t real and no one buys him as the mountain top because his actions don’t line up with his words. Rollins then says Priest said all the right things such as saying he doesn’t need help defending his title, but both his title defenses have proven otherwise with people helping him retain his title.

Priest then says he sees where Rollins is coming from, but he never asked anyone to interfere in his defenses. Priest then says he can’t change what happened, but he can stand facing Rollins in the present. Priest then says he sees the past when he looks for Rollins and Rollins says he doesn’t appreciate being one-upped. Rollins then says Priest one-upped him last week by offering him a title shot and he came to one-up Priest tonight. Rollins then says per a gentleman’s agreement, he will never challenge for the World Heavyweight Championship as long as Priest holds the title, but if Priest loses, he must leave Judgment Day. Priest then says he likes the proposal and Judgment Day needs him more than he needs Judgment Day. Priest then accepts Rollins’ proposal and the two shake hands. King of the Ring GUNTHER’s music then hits and he makes his way down to the ring. GUNTHER says he fully understands that there’s a lot on the line for both Priest and Rollins at Money in the Bank, then wishes them both the best of luck and tells them that he’ll be waiting for whoever holds the title at SummerSlam.

We then see Michael Cole sitting alone at his desk and he hypes Karrion Kross vs. Kofi Kingston as that will be the next match of the night. Cole then recalls “that thing” handing him the VHS tape. Cole then says the production truck was able to track down a VHS machine, so they could show what was on the videotape. The videotape’s footage then airs and it shows Uncle Howdy speaking to someone with a distorted voice and asks if that person is happy and whether that person has been lost. Howdy then asks the person if they feel forgotten or remember who they are. Bo Dallas then sits across from Uncle Howdy and says he is nobody. Howdy then says there you are and asks how it felt when his brother died. Dallas then says he felt like the most important thing in his life was taken away from him and like nothing would ever matter again.

Howdy then asks Dallas if he was exploiting his brother’s legacy. Dallas says all he ever wanted was to be like his brother. Dallas then says he looked up to him and wanted to be him. Dallas then says he worked his entire life for the opportunity. Dallas then says they finally made it and they had it and then it was taken away from him. Dallas then says no one on the earth feels more hurt by his loss nor feels what he feels. Dallas then asks what he is supposed to do. Dallas then asks if he should let everyone forget what he fought for and what he believed in. Dallas then says they wanted to forget, but they made them all remember. Howdy then says yes they did. Howdy and Dallas were then shown seated across from one another at the conclusion of the footage.

We then get the entrances of the next match, which is a Singles Match.

Singles Match: The Final Testament’s Karrion Kross vs. The New Day’s Kofi Kingston

The match starts off with Kingston wasting no time in going after Kross. Kingston hits a dropkick on Kross, then flies over the top rope to land on him. Kingston then gets Kross back inside the ring and climbs to the top, then looks to fly. Kross then sees Kingston coming and hits him with a backbreaker, then follows it up with a Death Valley Driver. Kingston then flies off the top rope to land on Kross. Kingston then hits Kross with a kick, but Kross sends Kingston into the corner. Kingston then flies off the ropes to land on Kross with a crossbody, then follows it up with the Boom Drop. Kingston then becomes distracted when a video plays of the Authors Of Pain attacking Xavier Woods as Paul Ellering stands by on the big screen. Kross then takes advantage of Kingston being distracted and hits him with The Final Prayer for the win.

The winner of the Singles Match, The Final Testament’s Karrion Kross!

Undisputed WWE Champion “The American Nightmare” Cody Rhodes, “The Viper” Randy Orton and “The Prize Fighter” Kevin Owens vs. The Bloodline in a 6-Man Tag Team Match is then announced for Money in the Bank.

The line-up for next week’s episode of WWE RAW is then announced.

We then get the entrances of the main event, which is a WWE World Tag Team Championship Match.

WWE World Tag Team Championship Match: Awesome Truth (The Miz and R-Truth) (c) vs. The Judgment Day (Finn Bálor and JD McDonagh)

The match starts off with McDonagh going straight after Truth. McDonagh delivers some kicks on Truth before Bálor tags in. Truth then nails Bálor and tags in Miz. Miz and Truth then hits a double back elbow and a double elbow drop on Bálor, then follow it up with a double hip toss on McDonagh and a double flapjack on Bálor. They then clothesline McDonagh out of the ring as Liv Morgan makes her way down to the ring and looks at Bálor. McDonagh then tags in and flies off the ropes. Bálor then tags in and delivers a right hand on Truth’s midsection, but Truth responds with a kick. Both men then hit each other before Miz tags in and hits a clothesline in the corner on McDonagh. Dominik Mysterio and Carlito then appear at ringside and Miz sends Carlito crashing over the announce desk. Miz then hits a crossbody on McDonagh from the apron, then follows it up with a double DDT on McDonagh and Bálor. Miz then pins McDonagh, but McDonagh kicks out. Dominik then jumps up on the apron and McDonagh tries taking advantage. Miz then kicks out and hits the Skull Crushing Finale, then goes for a pin. Carlito then puts McDonagh’s foot on the bottom rope to break the fall, but Braun Strowman chases him from ringside.

Bálor and Truth tag in and Truth hits a couple of shoulder tackles on Bálor. Truth then sets up for then Five Knuckle Shuffle, but Bálor sees him coming. Truth then locks in an STF on Bálor, but McDonagh breaks the hold. McDonagh then intercepts Miz with a dropkick, but Truth nails him. Bálor then rolls up Truth, but Truth kicks out and sends Bálor crashing into the mat. Truth then hits a Ten Knuckle Shuffle on McDonagh and Bálor. Morgan then jumps up on the apron and hugs Truth, but surprises him with a jawbreaker using the top rope. Bálor then takes advantage and dropkicks Truth into the corner, then follows it up with a Coup De Grace for the win.

The winners and new WWE World Tag Team Champions, The Judgment Day (Finn Bálor and JD McDonagh)!

After the match, Michael Cole says it will be hard for The Judgment Day to ignore Liv Morgan now. Cole then recaps highlights from the match and then the new champions celebrate on the stage. Liv Morgan then runs up behind them and joins the celebration. Bálor then shrugs his shoulders. Cole then asks if Morgan was becoming Judgment Day’s version of Yoko Ono and the show comes to a close.

WWE RAW Results Coverage, Reactions and Highlights for June 24, 2024 (2024)


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