The Sheboygan Press from Sheboygan, Wisconsin (2024)

t. urn -m-w-rr-w r- 3 i A MERCHANDISE MORTY MEEKLE by Dick Cavalli 36 THE SHEBOYGAN PRESS. 1 i Wednesday, Oct. 17, 1952 I it's So Easy To Place A Press Want Arj "By MAIL" I'MNOT 1 1 7 I Sheboygan's Guide Who's Who CONSULT on of these eipertt for the service you needl kNCW5 1 tt JX TRIEPTO WARN HIM JO-7 39c per day brings your name to nearly 29,000 subscribers Phone GL 7-7711 Say Classified Ptr Classified Advertising Agreement 16 Business Services Offered APEX PIANO ORGAN SERVICE Skilled Tuning and Repair GL 8-4489 BRUCE POLISHING SERVICE JSsmonizing, Polishing. Reasonable! GL 7-5456 tARL WiLBERT Cement Contrac-tor.

Sidewalks, etc. We like the little inns ton! Ph. GI 7-5895. GENERAL HOME REPAIR ar- le-modrling. Mason, carpentry and chimnev work.

FREE estimates! GL 8 4753. FLOOR SANDING New uiui old floors sxpertlv resurfaced. MARK'S GL 7-4570. FOR FREE. ESTIMATES on kiuhen cabinets, vanities, planters, a -oustical ceilinps, and formica work call: GL 2-6262.

WM. FROH. R. 3. Sheboygan.

CEMENT. MASON AND PLASTERING See: Fred Griessmeycr 1071 N. 27th St. RATS MICE BUGS quicklv exterminated. Call now! STAMPFL PEST CONTROL GL 2-0922.

STORM WINDOW SERVICE Call: T. NEUMAN GL 2-9179 WALL WASHING Sturm window service, storm window glass replaced and reglazed, screens repaired. Free pickup and delivery. Any type odd jobs. Fully insured! Reasonable rates, for free estimate Ph.

GL Clothing brings extra dollars when told through Press Classified! For advertising rates in this directory, dial GL 7-7711. Ask for Want Ad Department. 65 Wood, Coal, Oil warehouse. GL 8-4279 For All Your Fuel iNteus COAL or OIL Ph. GL -4i" The C.

Keiss Coal Company GARDENING 67 Fertilizer, Dirt, Sod FOR SALE-Top soil for Will oeiiver or con uo Phone GL REAL ESTATE REN'I Rooms Fnr Rent CLEAN Modem rooms for men. Gvm, swim, tooa i a Y'MCA. 812 Brotighton Drive; CLEAN COMFORTABLE RJOMij For men, snower, pnvaic ranee. Inq. Stan Lou's, cor.

Sin Indiana ROOM ill private home. Located in Sherjovsan i-nns. 2 ELDERLY LADIES wauled to board in Sheboygan Falls home. HO 7 6273. 69 Rooms For Housekeeping DOWN TOWN 2 Room Furnished for elderly lady, gl z-stwa or ul ROOM and board.

1 or 2. Privule home. Call GI. 2-lbbb mornings cl 1 Am!) Apartments, Flats, tor Kent 3-ROOM UPPER apartment ,1 bed room, IUIl Dam, gaiui.ii. iiiiuv.

stairwav, gas heat. 731 Pine Sheb. Falls. Call Plymouth TW 3-3864. 5-ROOM MODERN LOWER FLAT Located j-mne souineasi ui Falls, Garage.

Ph. HO 7-4484 "7 I Apartments, Flat. Houses 1-BEDROOM UPPER APARTMENT Kitchen, living room and bath. GL 2-8730. 1 BEDROOM FLAT (Modern) For rent.

Inq. 210 N. Ibtn 1-BEDROOM lower apartment, kit- cue cnen, living room ana nam. cj month. GL Z-1B4U or GL oui.

Adults. 2 BEDROOM Upper apartment at 1128 Erie gas space neater $37 per mon. Du'l Gt. Z-U49H 2-BEDROOM UPPER Bath, hot water, garage. GI.

2-7896 2-ROOM UPPER North side, with bath. heat, furnished. GI. z-bib 2-BEDROOM UPPER FLAT Gas space heater furnished. Hot water.

Ph. GL 7-7255 after 5:30 pm 2-BEDROOM heated apartment $125 GL 8-ltZb or tiL i-'jim 2-BEDROOM DUPLEX On north side. Automatic heat and not wa ter. GL 7-5058 2-BEDROOM LOWER Cabinet kitcnen. zzo wiring, gas rurnace.

GL 2-2541 or til. Z-29 2 BEDROOM HOUSE, Noithwest side, gas turnace, garage Keter- ences. write no press 2 Bedroom lower apartment, large Kitcnen, living room, oain. auiu-matie heat. 1128 Erie Ave.

Dial tiL Z-0408 BEDROOM MODERN LOWER FLAT Remodeled, redecorated. Adults. GL 24755 3-BEDROOM UPPER Newly le- decorated. Northeast side. Ph.

GL 8-3367 3-ROOM and bath upper, heal and garage included. Inq. 2311 Main Avenue. GL 2-3229 3 room upper apartment, gas space heater. Hotwater.

inq. 819 Clara GL 2-8736 3-ROOM FURNISHED UPPER APARTMENT With complete bath. Facilities included. At 2209 N. 10th St.

Ph. GL 2-1513 3-ROOM MODERN UPPER APARTMENT Heat and hot water furnished. Bonus to responsible adults. Available bv Nov. 1.

Ph. GL 2-7482 3-BEDROOM RANCH For rent or sale. South suburban. Built-ins in cluded. Ph.

GL 2-1108 3 BEDROOM UPPER Northeast side. Immediate occupancy. GL 8-3367 3-ROOM LOWER Automatic hot water, gas heater. Garage. At 2127-A N.

18lh St. GL 7-9045. 3-ROOM UPPER Heated, at 31)6 N. 27th St. Inquire 3109 N.

2th St. 3-BEDKOOM LOWER FLAT Au-tomatic hot water, coal furnace. Garage. On Huron and 13th. Inq.

1410 Car! Ave 3-ROOM AND HATH Heal and hot water Electric range and refrigerator. At 3022 St, Ph. GL 2-6896 4-ROOM UPPER Bath, gal age. Inq 1115 Logan Avenue 4-ROOM UPPER APARTMENT Toilet, gas space heater. For widow or elderly couple.

$35 Ph. GL Z-4S51 4-ROOM UPPER APARTMENT With bath. Gas furnace. On West Superior Ave. Ph, GL 8-1640, after 5 p.m.

4-ROOM UPPER apartment, 2 bedrooms and bath, automatic heat and hot water. Clean and newly decorated. Inq. 924 Ontario NEED HELP? Get It quick as a flash by placing a Press Classified Ad before 9 a.m. Your ad appears the same nightl by Dave Gerard MERCHANDISE 59A Specials At The Stores FREE 5-Pc.

set stainless steel KITCHENWARE with purchase of IBVi-CU. Ft. UPRIGHT Kfc.r-z.EK (factory seconds). Reg. $495.

NOW $250. ONLY 4 LEFT! GOLDBERG'S 1721 Calumet Dr. GL 7-3521 I Machinery, Tools FOR SALE Craltsinan 3-wheel 12-inch band saw, with stand and motor. Reasonable. Inq.

1718 N. 9th St. 1J Musical Merchandise BAND instruments available for school rer al Rental applied to purchase. Dietz Music, 1222 S. 8th ELECTRIC GUITARS $29.95 and uo.

Sheboygan Guitar headquar ters. MUSICLAND, 1719 S. 8th St. Open 9 a to 9 p.m. SPINET PIANO AND BENCH Used.

Beautiful. Will trade and terms if necessary. Write Box 42 c-o Press 23" BRADFORD TV Walnut Con sole cabinet Reg. $299 NOW $225 $11.50 per month GRANT'S North gate RENTAL RETURN SPINET AND CONSOLE PIANOS Save. Prac tice pianos $45 and up.

Famous name used organs. HOOPER MU SIC Manitowoc. Open 9 to 9 ana bunaays. USED RCA 21" TV blond console $35. GL 2-2149.

WANTED Student practice piano. call GL 8-188. CONN ORGANS High quality at a low price Only $25 aown GOODELL MUSIC STUDIO 2222 7th St GL 7-7948 See Us For Your KIMBALL PIANO AND ORGAN ALSO ESTEY ORGANS Nickel's 1528 Calumet Dr. GULBRANSEN and KRAKAUER SPINET PIANOS LOWREY ELECTRIC ORGANS Complete Selection ZOHLEN'S 1524 N. 8th St.

Dial GL 2-9041 NEW SPINET PIANOS $388. LEO AYERS MUSIC CO. 921 Pershing Ave. GL 8-1017 FRANCH1SED HAMMOND ORGAN DEALER Playdium Bldg. GL 8-5291 Sheboygan or Downtown Manitowoc Sheboygan Store Open Thurs.

and Fridays, 3 until 9 p.m. Saturday, 10 a.m. 5:30 p.m. See us about Organ Lessons THOMAS AND LOWREY ORGANS Ask About Our ORGAN RENTAL PLAN! FESSLER-KUCK CO. 501 N.

8th St. Ph. GL 2-5161 Two-car families live better. Find a good used car bargain in today's Press Want Ads. BUT IT WAS BLACK FRIDAV FOP BEETIOVNlJ To Service Specialists For Service Mr.

Businessman: Your business will benefit if yon lilt it in "Who's Who." 16 Business Services Offered Storm Windows Washed and Hung Reasonable! Ph. GL 7-7829 1 Appliance Repairing MAYTAG SPEED QUEEN Washer and Dryer Service Machtig's Appliance Service 1720 Norma Ct. Ph GL 2-6167 Free Theater Ticket to: Joseph Tikalskv 641 N. 26th. Sheliovsan 1 Contracting Roofing CARPENTER (Contractor Complete remodeling repairs, aluminum storms, windows, jalousies, kitchen cabinet, H.

C. Truttschel, Ph, GL 2-1493. NEW HOMES Remodeling. Carpenter, mason, cement work. Free estimates.

Al Nack. GL 2-7891, GL 1 1 Painting, Pnnprino r- ED NOURSE interior and exterior painting and decorating. Reason-nhle Fullv Insured Ph GL 2-1682 HOUSE PAINTING Interior and exterior. Signs and painted wall murals. K.

FRIEDRICHS. Ph. GL 8-4245. JO Upholstering Repairing Furniture Upholstered to Order Fine selection covers. A.

J. Bewerse 1601 N. 8th St Ph. GL 2-9715 MERCHANDISE 9 Sporting Goods, Boats DEER HUNTERS Reserve Your tent rental now ROTH AWNING TENT CO. N.

10th at Michigan Dial GL 2-9062 FOR SALE 12-Gauge Remington Wingmaster "Pump" Model 870. $55 Ph. HO 7-6236 WINCHESTER 32 Special Deer Rifle. Reg. $83.95.

NOW ONLY $69.95. WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY 917 N. 8th St. GL 2-1670 DEER RIFLE (Remington Woodsmaster) 3006 Caliber "Automatic gas operated." Knockdown scope sight, genuine cowhide leather case. Like new.

a r- 1 ni. aiueeu eveiy nay ru. GL 7-9003. SHOTGUN 12-Ga. Remington au tomatic, witn poiv-cnoKe, line new, Tnq.

1941 N. 13th St. GL 2-5909. HUNTER'S HEADQUARTERS Hunting Caps, Boots and Jackets Shells "Insulated Underwear Star Sales-1019 N. 8th $5 TO $20 Off this week only on all 12 ga.

shotguns Pumps Automatics, Doubles Bolts Singles. Also 22 cal. and deer rifles. Decoys. AVE.

TRADING POST, 1219 Michigan Ave. BOAT REFTMSHING Fiber-glassing, Rebuilding, Storage. FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY Schedule Your Boat Now MERLIN MARINE Johnson Motors NOW With 2 Year Guarantee 517 N. Commerce St. GL 7-3315 BOAT-MOTOR OWNERS Make reservations NOW for Clean, Dry, Insured, Safe Winter storage.

GET OUR SPECIAL Free Pickup and Delivery The BOAT BOYS Johnson-Scott Sales Service 815 Indiana Ave. Dial "BOATS" 54 Business Office Equipment WEBSTER New World Dictionary, "Elementary Edition." The mod ern dictionary especially prepared for voung students. Price, $4.50. WEAVER'S, 507 N. 8th St.

Ph. GL 8-2161. Zf. Wearing -1 FUR COAT Size 12-14, Northern Black Muskrat, good condition. Reasonable.

GL 8-2207. MOUTON SHORTY COAI Size 12. GL 7-4959. SUIT Boy's, size 14-16. Dark col or.

S10. GL 2-1079 after 5:30 p.m. 57 Better Things To Eat POTATOES FOR SALE Cooking ana sataa will deliver! Ph. GL 2-5878 TURKEY DUCKS for sale. Ready lor pan or freezer.

Hti mil. 4 Classified Bargain Counter PLEASE NOTE! YOUR COOPERATION IS ASKED! To alleviate the burden on our switchboard, Bargain Counter users are being asked to SEND A POSTCARD instead of calling. Name Must Be Listed On Card! Thank you! ANTIQUE PICTURE FRAMES (6) Four 21x25, two smaller ones. Al! for $4 50 GL 7-4975. AQUARIUM REFLECTOR LIGHT Good condition, tit* a-gaiion tank $3.50 GL 2-1210 ARCHERY BOW (Shakespeare) 30 lbs.

With quiver and bow string S5 Ph GL 2-1039 BASSINET With folding legs, pad and liner. Good conditon. 5. Inq Bain's Trailer Hwy. 23.

Sheb Galls (Trailer Number BATHROOM SINK M. GL 8-1859 BEDS Twiii, like new, on casters no mattresses. 5-4 GL BLANKET 75 per cent wool. Nev er used. 53.

GL Z-044. BOOKCASE Mahogany. 4 shelves $5. GL 2-7947. BOOTS 1 Pair man's, buckle type 1 Pair man's dress rubbers, Size 11.

Like new. $5 for both. Ph. GL 8-1859. BOOTS 1 Pair and 1 pair rubbeis Children's size 13 and 2.

50 cents a pair. GL 7-4983. BOX SPRING Twin size. Clean excellent condition, $5. Ph.

GL 2-5705. BOY SCOUT Trousers and 2 shirts, Fit 12 year old. Very good condi tion. GL. viw BUFFET Walnut.

4. GL 2-8554 CAR SEAT lor baby. Used veiy lime. I 75 GL Bflbl CARD TABLE Solid, green leather top $2. HO 74059.

CENTERPIECE Black, for fiuit and flower? $3.50 GL 2-8785. CLOTHING Girls, sub-teen size 10. For tall, slim girl. All for $2. GL 74789 CLOTHING Mail's, including wool trousers, shoes, etc.

Size 42. $5 for box. GL 2-1564. ABON VOLRHEAD? HI.WILL-VUAAl HOW DID VOU 6ET Airw-i VAITU 1 S. HOUr? LESSON? MERCHANDISE 58A Classified Bargain Counter TRAPS tor mink and muskrat.

25 cents each. GL 2-4008. TUBES Two 640 15, one 670 15, one 850 14. All for $5 GL 8- 4830. TUBE 8.00x15.

$1.50. 1831 Martin Ave. WARDROBE Not metal. 45. 837 N.

4th St. WATER HEATER Gas. S5. 1621 N. 16th St.

WHEEL COVERS For 1950 Plymouth. Four for $2 Inq. 2608 Superior after 4 p. BARGAIN COUNTER Non-commercial ads will be Inserted in this classification for any one Hem valued at $5 or less without charge! Offer subject to cancellation without notice. NOTICE Bargain Counter Users.

Please report any discrepancies pricewise or otherwise, to the Press Classified Department. Where prices are higher than quoted of there are other misuses, the ad will be removed, advertiser charged with the number of insertions at the regular earned rate and all further use of the Free Bargain Counter will be te-fused to the advertiser. RULES 1. Any Item is subject to acceptance standards set by this newspaper. 2.

Each ad is restricted to 3 lines. 3. Only ONE item valued at $5 or less. 4. Price of article must be stated in ad.

5. Ads will run 3 days without charge. 6. Ads must be cancelled as soon as results are obtained. 7.

"Animal for Sale" ads are not accepted. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. PHONE GL 7-7711 59 Home Furnishings BEDROOM SET (3-Pc.) And sewing machine. GL 2-1865 BEDROOM SET Traditional ma hogany. Very good condition.

3 pieces. GL 2-7316. BREAKING UP HOUSEKEEPING All furnishings for sale. Ideal tor cottage use. Inq.

1807 N. 6th St. COMPLETE household furnishings lor sate, some antiques, can at 1316 N. 17th or Ph, GL 7-7684 COMPLETE HOUSEHOLD FUR NISHINGS Hotpoint electric range (brand new), Hotpoint refrigerator, Jenny Lind double bed, round oak dining room table with butfet and 4 chairs, etc. Moving, must sell! HO 7-4254.

DEEP FRYER 50-Lb. gas with tuDing ana piping, inq. bZi n. Mil waukee Plymouth Ph TWin- nrook z-bb DINING ROOM TABLE Six chairs and a secretary desk. GL 8-3632 DINING ROOM SET Good con- dition.

DEKKER Furniture, 520 N. 8th. GL 2-4559 DOUBLE BED Complete. Like new mattress, $zo Pn. GL Z-5J53, atter 5 pm.

ELECTRIC RANGE GE. Push button automatic. Best offer over $30. HO 7-3083 FOR SALE. Used Singer electric portable sewing machine with new case, new light ana new motor.

$24 95. Ph. GL 8-1844 FOR SALE Plaff zig-zag sewing machine. Sold new for $259. May be nad tor 569.50 or $5 a month Phone GL 8-1844 FREE SAMPLE! AMWAY Finer Wash Powder.

SCHETTER'S, Office, Ph. GL 7-3491 FREEZER G.E. Upright model, i cu. tt. d-Years oia.

txceuent condition. Ph. HO 7-4485. KITCHEN SET Bronze metal with formica top table and chairs. Also combination refrigerator-freezer 1 yr.

old), 4-burner gas range (excellent condi tion), Duncan Phyfe walnut dining room set with 2 chairs, rose-beige 12x12 rug (1-yr. old), custom drapes white with aqua de sign, window air condi tioner (1-ton Coolerator), eelctric space heater, and white figure skates (size 5). All above items in excellent condition. Will sacrifice GL 8-1540. LIVING ROOM SET (2-Pc.) Dus ty rose, 82" davenport and chair.

Gooa condition. GL Z-Z8H0. GAS-OIL-COAL space healers. Con sole 21" TV; Wardrobes; Type- writers; Adding Machine; Remg erators; Desks; Baby beds; 8 MM Movie Cameras; Skil Saws: Chest of drawers; Beds; Mattresses MAC'S RESALE 909 Michigan GL Z-Z264 High Chairs Baby Beds, Bas sinets, Bathinets. Play Pens, Garbage burners, Gas and oil space heaters, desks, BEDS, complete low as $8.

AVE. TRADING POST 1219 Michigan Ave. PLAY PEN four hinged wooden sections. Ph. GL 7-7044 REFRIGERATORS Ranges, dryers, chrome kitchen sets, desks Ph.

GI, 8-4902 TV RCA $35 GL 2-3324. VACUUM CLEANERS Gas range, Garbage burners, round oak table chrome sets, living room sofa and chairs. Many other used items SCHF.TTF.R'S. GL 7-3491 WALL FURNACE (Monogram) Complete with thermostat, also 275-gallon oil drum. A-l shape! Inq Mueller's Tap, Cedar Grove.

Ph, MOhnwk B-319( BIG REDUCTIONS ON ALL FURNITURE Bunk beds. Complete with innerspring mattress. $74.95. ART JEHLE FURNITURE CO. 1110 N.

8th St. GL 7-7472 GET PLUSKAT'S PRICES Before You Buy An Electric Range, Refrigerator, Freezer, TV Set or Stereo and WE'LL GUARANTEE TO SAVE YOU MONEY! PLUSKAT TV 701 8th St. Ph. GL 7-9171 New BOLENS 18" Self-propelled Snow Blower Only $159.95 BRUNETTES 1630 Union Ave. Dial GL 7-7787 1 A LITTLE- LB OF it; 3 OW.X60T ALDN6 ALL R46HT MERCHANDISE ril Home Furnishings TV 24" RCA Victor, 2 years old, excellent condition.

$90. Wringer washer, semi-automatic, used one vear. GL 8-3168. SPEED QUEEN AUTOMATIC CLOTHES DRYERS Electric $139.95 Gas S159.95 South Side Electric Co. 1506 S.

12th St. Dial GL 2-8921 END-OF-YEAR CLEARANCE SALE Sewing Machines Vacuum Cleaners GORDON'S 1102 N. 8th St. Ph. GL 7-5352 Double Bowl Sink with faucets 39.95 eNatural Gas Furnace $119.00 Cabinet Sinks 79 95 e30 Galoln Glass-lined Gas Water Heaters 54.95 Used Gas Space Heaters eUsed Plumbing Fixtures Used Jungers Oil Furnace THE SILVIS CO.

1128 Geele Ave. Ph. GL 7-9475 MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE USED APPLIANCES Hotpoint automatic electric clothes dryer J44.95 17" Console TV $17.95 Many Other Items Mullen's Service Center 610 N. 8th St. Dial GL 84107 For TV-Radio-Apptiance Service Mattresses Rebuilt Pillows Renovated Satisfaction Guaranteed One-Day Service If Desired Free Pickup and Delivery Wisconsin Bedding Co.

1033 Michigan Ave. Ph. GL 2-0311 USED SEWING MACHINES Electric Consoles $19.50 And Up All Guaranteed SINGER SEWING CENTER 923 N. 8th St. Dial GL 8-3434 FRIGIDAIRE BUY Floor Model Automatic Washer WAS $249.95 NOW $215 Electric Clothes Drver WAS $195.

bu rsuw ia WEINKAUF ELECTRIC CO 1019-21 Michigan Ave. Dial GL 7-7321 or GL 7-5113 SCRATCH and DENT SALE 3-PC. BEDROOM SETS Values to $239 LOW AS $119 Sheb. FURNITURE Mart 819 Michigan Ave. Dial GL 2-5159 SAVE AT SEARS KENMORE GAS SPACE HEATER 35,000 B.T.U.

Reg. $134.95. NOW $99.00 BLOWER FREE! Also 55,000 and 70,000 B.T.U.Heaters Pay Nothing Down SEARS PRICES SLASHED ON ALL GAS SPACE HEATERS IN STOCK eBig Deluxe Jungers, 6 room size. Reg. $286.

NOW $176 Jungers, 4 to 5 room size. Reg. $242. NOW $132 Tropic-Aire, 5 room size. S99 Tropic-Aire, 3 to 4 room size.

$88 All Equipped With Completely Automatic Controls Silvis Hdwe. Appliance 1128 Geele Ave. Ph. GL 2-8159 WATER SOFTENER TRADE-INS LINDSAY Automatic, Model 32 LINDSAY URBANITE 1962 Model, Fiberglas. Fully automatic.

UAU i2 Price ECON-O-MATIC Fully automatic. Apex fiberglas. Like CULLIGAN Fully automatic. Like new ij Price WATER MASTER Fully automatic $150 ELGIN Large capacity $95 BRUNNER' SUPREME $50 DURO MANUAL $25 SHEBOYGAN WATER CONDITIONERS 1720 s. nth St.

Ph. GL 2-1064 jiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Good Assortment of USED OIL SPACE HEATERS including I Jungeri USED TV SETS I Used Gat Space Heater. Several Used Shotguni and I BRAUH-HERR I Open to 8 p.m. every night 1526 Indiana GL 7-9417 iTllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllli? Ads Received Before 9:00 a. m.

Appear The Same Night REAL ESTATE RENT 7 1 Apartments, Flats. Houses TUOOM upper Hat. Gas space neut- fitOUM UPPER LA 1 And bath. gas space iuus 7-4 14. 4ROOM UPPER FLAT' With bath.

$40 per month. ($45 with garage Inq 1704 Indiana Ave. GL 2-5919. 4.ROOM COZY UPPER APAKl. MENT Heated.

Adults. North- west side. iu z-ivzj. 4-ROOM LOW ER FLAT redecorated, lonei, 914 Michigan Ave. Ph.

GL 7-5025. or (GL 7-3507 after 5 p.m.) 4-KOOM APARTMLN 1 vv bath. Garage wi u. or elderly couple who want peace and quiet. Inq.

3722 S. 8th St. 4 ROOM UPPER Hat, downtown. cabinet -kitcnen, noiwmt-i, oil heat; Garage. Adults only Dial U.

2-7935 after 4 in. 5KOOM UPPER Hot water, gas srmce heater, ibi? ruicu. 57ROOM UPPER FLAT 320 On tario, hot water, gas neat, uu 2-3831. r'KOOM LOWER FLAT 2 bed. rooms.

$48. inquire wiunu. au 11th Street 5 ROOM Modem upper Hal, ga snace heater, aiueuna, nuuus. Available Nov. 1st.

Call GL 2-7114 ufirivi Newlv re- J.VV.'l decorated. Full nam. uas neai. n. 1324 Jefferson Ave.

Inq. between 6 and 9 pm. 6'-. ROOM HOUSE, i Deurooms unu bath, modern and very clean. On Calumet Dr.

in z-ooi. 845 N. 6 TH ST. 5 room upper apartment. Modern.

A-l condition. Porch. Laundry facilities. a and hot water. Adults.

Ph. GL 2- 3394, 7lii Si N. 1214 lower tl.u one bedroom, living room, uming room kitchen tnn at 708 St. Clatr EAST SIDE 2-Bedroum Furnished apartment. Above average size living room.

Nice location. Ph. GL 2-8400 ENZ MANOR 1-Koom Kitcheneue Apartment, At 919 N. bin St. t'n.

GL B-lsb or ULrtw FLAT FOR RENT 3 room upper. 1313A S. 7th St. Hot water, shower. $30.

all GL Z-4141. FURNISHED APARI MEN TS In cluding lighi, gas, neat ana no i water. Reasonable. Ph. GL 2-366 or GL 7-380ii NEAT CLEAN o-KOOM APART MENT Full bathi hot water ana new gas space heater with fan.

nq. 153 Nortn Ave NEW 2 BEDROOM A PAR I MEN i Ftirpisped Phone GL UPPER FLAT South of city. Ph. GL 2-1332. 7" Business Places For Rent STORE BUILDING Near Court-House.

Ideal for sales room, warehouse or workshop. Has new gas heater and toilet. Inq. 1621 S. 8U1, after 6 77 Garages For Rent GARAGE FOR REM For bunt storage only.

South side. GI. 2-1360. SINGLE OR DOUBLE GARAGE Located downtown, on N. 9th St.

Phone GT 2-5V5 79 Wanted To Rent 2 OR 3-BEDROOM lower Hat By reliable partv, by Nov. 1. Ph. GL 2-1736 after 4-30 3-BEDROOM lower flat wanted. Near downtown.

Reasonable. Gl. 2-3811, 9 to 5 p.m.; GL 2-1033 alter 5 3-BEDROOM HOME or lower Hal-Desired by architect with three children for Dec. 1. Near Grant School.

Will furnish references. Ph. GL 7-7785 between 8 a.m. and 5pm 3 OR 4-BEDROOM APARTMENT or home, by November 1, large family, will lease or rent by month. Write Box 34.

c-o Press REAL ESTATE SALE on Real Estate Service DONOHUE REALTY Realtors' 608 N. 8th St. Dial fit. 74863 HOUSE HUNTING? Sue Govy VERCOUTEREN REALTY 612 St, Clair Ph GL 2-3004 OLDENBURG REALTY Phone GL 2-8421 KEPPLER REAL ESTATE Phone GL 7-7715 or GL 74044 TO BUY-SELL or TRADE. Call BRAND REALTY CO.

Ph. GL 7-7451 1419 N. 6th Realtors p- I BASE -LiSrt I 1 i- CABIN1 NET 20x16x36 YOUR CHOICE 10.83 UTILITY 15x12x60 ET SALE IIP En WILL-YUM WE SHOULD BE COMING HOME SOON. RALPUVl HE'S TAKING; HIS MUSIC LESSON! MERCHANDISE TO 4 Classified JOil Bargain Counter COASIER WAGON Ranch type, $3. GL 2-7316 COAT Gill size 10.

$1.50. Ph. GL 2-1572. COAT Ladies, tUtt 12. Gray.

Very nod condition. $5 GL 2-2919 COAT Girl's, wool, size 10. For school or piny. S5. GL COAT Girl winter, blue tweed.

Teen size 12. Excellent condition. S5. GL 2-2164 COAT Ladies, Cum el wrap around, size 12. Good condition GL 8-5246.

COAT and leggings. GiiTs, sue 6. $5. GL 2-9983. COAT Ladv's.

sue 14. Black with pink pile lining. Good condition. Dry cleaned. $3 Ph.

H(J -24 COMMUNION DRESS Size 8. Excellent condition. $5. GL 2-7580 after 5:30 or mornings. COMMUNION VEIL Good Condition.

50 cents GL 2-9312 CROCKS 2, 1. 12 gal. 1-10 gal. SI each. HO 7-4126.

DAVENPORT Maroon. $5. Ph. 565-2558. DEEP FRY Hollywood Automatic, with frying basket and temperature control.

332 Wisconsin Ave. after 6 DINING ROOM TABLE 5 Leaves. Ideal for recreation room. $5. Ph.

GL 2-9885. DISHES 1 set, glass. 4 of each, plates, cups, saucers, cereal dishes. Also odd glasses. All for $2.

GL 81168 DOG HOUSE, insulated, medium 55. 4918 13th GL Z-861 DOORS 2 exterior, size 274 6 ft. 11'4. Both for $5. GL 7-7183 DRESS School, blue plaid, size 8.

Good condition. $1 75 GL 2-2646 DRESS Jr. Miss. Lace, medium blue, size 11. Like $3.

Ph. GL 2-8850 after 4 p.m. DRESS and Skirt, Both for $2. GL 7-3072. DRUM TABLE Dark finish, ooud condition.

$5. Ph. 565-3143. FIGURE SKATES 1 pair, mans, lined. Size 8.

$5. GL 8-3244. FORMAL White, Ballerina length. 7. Worn once $5, GL 8-2855 FUR ROBE S2.

GL 2-4965. GAS RANGE Roper. Very good working condition. 5. ol HOCKEY ICE SKATES Boy's hard toe, cushion insole, size 3.

$3 GL 7-3072. IRON Westinghouse, automatic electric. S3. 50. Pertect condition.

GL 8-4016 JACKET Boys, grey, winter, size 14. A-l. $4 50. GL 2-6060 JACKET Girl's, corduroy. Quilt lined, with hood.

Size 1. $3.50. PH. GL 2-1935. JEWELRY SET Silver with blue stones.

Brooch, earrings, ring, bracelet. $3.50 GL 2-2987. LEOTARD SET Size 12. $2. Ph.

GL 2-0289. MIXMASTER Very good condi tion. S4 50. GL -435b MOTOR 2 cycle gasoline. Run ning condition.

$4. GL 2-8205 MUFF White. Like new. Used once. $3.

GL 7-3404 OVERCOAT Blue, size 40-42. $3.50 GL 2-1210. PILLOWS (3) Smocked corduroy. Never used. J1.50 each.

GL 8-3705. PLANT 3 It. Diefenbacher (large green leaves with white speckles $2. GL 2-5335 RECORDS (10) Children's vari- ety, Goiaen recoras si. so t.L z-4b ROCKING CHAIR S2.

GL 2-0212. RUG PAD 9 12, good condition S2.50 GL 2-1936 SHIRTS 2. Men's, white, short sleeves. Size 16 neck. Never worn.

$3. GL 74167 SHOES Lady oxfords, size li FE. never worn. $4 GL SHOES Lady's, size 9 Vs. B.

Black suede, low heel. $1 vn. gl z-su SHOES Boy size 7. Oxfords. new brown shade.

Like new. Ph GL 2-4947. SHOES Ladv's, dress, size AA, black, like new, nice lor young girl. $2.50 GL 7-9172 SOFTBALL Bats (3). 1 soft ball, 1 hardball.

1 canvas container. All for $3 50. GL 2-9835 SHOWER STALL With fittings. S5 Inq. 1522 S.

20th St. SKI BOOTS 1 pair, boy's, size 8, Excellent condition. gl -4mm SNOW TIRES (2) 7.10x15. S5 for all. HO 7-3509.

605 Wilson, halls SPORT COAT Boy's, size 16-18. GL 2-5ibl. SPORT COAT Uuv gray. Size 10 and 12. Very good condition.

$3. gl z-ino. SPORT JACKET Size 14, checked, excellent condition. $5 GL 2 2710. STORM WINDOWS (5) 28" each.

GL 7-9347 fitter 5 p.m. STORM WINDOWS (2) Wooden 28X66'7; $2 50 each Ph. GL 7-4751 STORM WINDOW Size 24 54 good shape. Price 50 cents. GL Z-8597.

STORM DOOR Combination. 34' 72 Good condition. $5. GL 7 5478 STORM DOOR Combination 30'ix77e. Good condition.

$4. GL Z-5Z1 STROLLER Stuidy, with large Duggy type wneeis. Easy hand ing Collapsible. Good condition. S5.

GL 7-3190 SLIT Boy 2 piece, brown, size e- bU. 1L SUIT Boy size 1G. Dark brown, $5 Ph. GL 2-4301. SUIT Lady size 15.

good condi tion. $3.50 GL 2-5771 or Inq. 930 SWEATER Man size 40, good condition, si su fit. -Wb. SWEA1-SHIRIS (2) Red, size 10 and 12.

Tr-ermo-lined. $2 each Ph GL 2-0633. SWING SET For back yard. $3.50 GL 2-5661. TOILETS 2 S-4 each.

GL 8-1859. TOPCOAT Man s. size 38-40. Brown Good condition. $4.

Ph. GL 2-1513 TOP COAT Size 3840. Blue-gray wool. til. 2-3456 TOPCOAT Man size 40, tan tweed, good condition.

$4.50 GL 8-1953. TOPCOAT Boy gray gabardine with zip-in lining. Size 12, Just like new. $4. GL 2-0660 FARMERS' MARKET JO 4 Farm Implements New 1HC Blowers PLYMOUTH IMPLEMENT.

INC. Plymouth, Wis. 2 New idea Single Row Corn Pickers $550 lNew Idea 2 Row Mounted Picker $995 1 John Deere 11' Quack Digger $225 1 Robey 6'A' Quack Digger $65 1 Oliver 2-14" Raydex Plow $125 2 Forage Blowers $100 1 John Deere Tractor $595 1 McCormick Tractor $675 Case "VAC" Tractor $295 HOPEMAN'S HINGHAM 1 Minn-Moline 1 row Pull Type Corn Picker, completely overhauled $795 1 John Deere 2 row No. 227 Mounted Picker, completely overhauled. $1,150 1 Massey-Harris Model "44" Diesel Row Crop Tractor with hydraulic pump and 3 pt.

hitch. Completely overhauled $1,650 WEISS IMPL CO. Glenbeulah. Wis. Ph.

526-3500 Aft Poultry, Eggs, A Simnlipfi "-rr POULTRY AND RABBITS WANTED TO BUY E. N. KAEMMER CO. 2625 N. 15th St.

GL 7-7650 YEARLING LEGHORN HENS (200) for sale. "Wunsch Stock" I Howard Mentink, 1-mile east of Waldo on 50 Wanted Livestock, Hav SPRINGING COWS WANTED Inq. C. E. Goking, 5002 Superior Ave, GL 8-1263 or GL 2-3454.

Vi ANTED Holstem tows and heif-ers for eastern order. Frank Kriz- ek, R. 1. Whitelaw, Wis. WANTED TO BUY HERD OF HOL-STEIN CATTLE.

Write Box 158 c-o Sheboygan, Press. WANTED Baled Hay. Any kind, any amount by truck loads or carload. Mike Dahm, Belgium. Wis.

Ph. Random Lake WANTED TO BUY Holstein Open Heifers, all ages. Also Angus and Hereford Feeder Cattle. Write Box 207. c-o Sheboygan Press TO BUY Harvested ripe field peas.

Write P.O. Box 101, Newton. Wis. MERCHANDISE fTl Miscellaneous For Sale AIR COMPRESSORS (2) Ream- ers, 50 cents each. Also motors.

1 h.p., Vi h.p., h.p. "A-l" and miscellaneous tools. Ph. GL 2-5466 after 5 p.m. AR1ENS SNOW BLOWERS Brachmann Sales Service 1950 N.

40th St. GI. 8-1865 CHEMISTRY has developed a new finish containing acrylic for vinyl floors called Seal Gloss. H. C.

PRANGE CO. COMPLETE WATER SYSTEM With Vi h.p. submersible pump, pressure tank, pipes and wiring. Ph. GL Z-3bb CONTRITIONAL PUMP 5.

v. h.p. motor, $35, Sheeting, 2x4 2x8's, and 2x6's. Reasonable. GL 2-2654 FOR SALE Rose bush arbor pick ner.

825 Jackson Ave. Sheboygan. FOR SALE 1 pair girl's shoe skates, size 8H: 1 portable sewing machine; 3 aquariums with ac cessories and fish; 1 hoop for wed-' ding dress, size 12 to 14. 1218 St. LARGE WEBER KETTLE $10 1 Lionel train, S10.

Good condition. GL 2-4301. LOOKING i-OR INSURANCE COV Dial GL 24500 for full information on all types. The MULDER Agency 707 N. 8th St.

RAZOR Sunbeam Rollmaster Very good condition. $10 Ph. GL 8-1524. STORM WINDOWS (5) Also heavy outside door, regular door ana screens, very reasonaoie. inq 2610 N.

15th St. TRAILER 2-Wheel type, all metal $35 Ph. HO 7-6236. TRAILER TYPE STOVE (Oil) with fan, 8-corner poker table with nlace for chins and glasses, oil drums with faucets, boy's jacket with hood. etc.

GL 2-9505. TRAIN American Flyer, with table. Boy's ice skates, size 5. GL 2-7606 Stop in And See Our Complete Selection Of Toys At Discount Prices BUY NOW LAY-AWAY FOR CHRISTMAS Star Sales 1019 N. 8th 51A Wanted To Buy 410 CAL.

SHOTGUN, Over and under, double or pump wanted to buv. State age, make, asking price. Write Box 41. c-o Press. OLD COINS Gold pieces wanted lor cash.

Send 25c for our current huving price list. Dunn's Com Shop, P.O. Bnx 9S2, 729 Niagara, Sheb. GL 7-008. Sporting Goods, Rnaf BOWLING BALL Shoes and bag.

Reasonable. Andrew J. Michels. FINhnrt 1 ake. Ph.

TR 6-2887. Complete Moioi-hout Rebuilding Siorage LAKtBREEZE MARINE 2i22 fi. Hwy. 141 GL i-231 SPECTACULAR CABIN Wall Cabinets, Base Cabinets, Wardrobes 1 tt 3-FEET WIDE Double Door Wardrobe With Full-Sized Hat Shelf And Hanger Rod. 36x19x63 I hi li OUTSTANDING BUYS AT LOW PRICES! Utility Cabinets, 4 3 FT.

WIDE! Ui 30 "J.U.rf GARMENTS Utility 24x12x63 YOUR CHOICE 14.88 XAA DHDODC I 24x19x63 i 3 EASY TERMS ii 'J I 2 it 'IK fnftf: fr-Fin IIS OTHER WALL CABINETS 24x12x42 1083 14.83 24xT2x5 Solidly Built All Rigidly Reinforced Baked-on Enamel Finish Urns filial 8 111 1 uu SHEBOYGAN.

The Sheboygan Press from Sheboygan, Wisconsin (2024)


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Author information

Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.