The Minneapolis Star from Minneapolis, Minnesota (2024)

MLN ArOLIS STAR-JOURNAL Page Thirteen Wednpsday, December 20. Reveal U.S. Manufacturers' Group Demands in many cass they found Important letters or memoranda in the personal files of Individual employes and were unable to find the counterparts in the board files. News Behind the News -By PAUL MALLON Broad Changes in Labor Act Washington. not only molybdenum but alutn-inum.

Here is another: The president mysterious absence of many documents from the board's records. PNE of Mr. Roosevelt's scouts abroad has picked up informa- Led in Move to Eject Spee Argentina, Brazil Also Offered Uruguay Armed Aid MONTEVIDEO UP) tbo ir' House Inquiry Members Accuse Officials in Steel Case oit of Russian plans which is caus will shortly extend his moral em bargo appeal to copper, airplane ing great concern in r-xetuuvc This disclosure came as the committee stood In adjournment after 10 days of Intensive hearings. Chairman Howard Smith Va.) venue (narrow side street between gasoline and machine tools. Committee Counsel Edmund To land referring to some documents in one case, said "these weie not found In the hoar flies but came from the personal files of hoard member Edwin S.

Smith." Meanwhile committee members refused to be quoted on possible changes in the Wagner iabor relations act which mny result from the hearings, but it was learned there Is a definite feeling among the majority of the committee that some amendments are desirable. lie White House and state depart Advance unpublished figures of recent exports indicate Russia has WASHINGTON UT) A committee of the National Association of Manufacturers declared today SLIP OF PEN It Game Iron Range to U. S. Instead of Canada A London cartographer's error "one ill-considered joggle of his pen" gave the rich Mesnbi Iron Range, and the Vermillion and Cu-yuna as well, to Minnesota instead announced that testimony taking ment.) Stalin does not intend to stop been buying these products heavily. would be resumed In Washington on Jan.

5, after which the com t'. the Norwegian-Swedish bdrder No foreign trade expert in the the Wagner act and its adminls tratlon by the National Labor Re Diplomatic sources of high authority disclosed today the United States, Argentina and administration believes Russia is mittee will hold hearings in other lations board are "a menace to the purchasing for herself in such cities, starting with Detroit. national welfare." quantities. Brazil had offered armed aid investigators who examined a score of board filing cases said that Recommending sweeping chances, the committee said the The presidential appeal will no doubt be effective. No U.

S. ex to Uruguay for ejection of fter he has conquered northern "inland, according to this news. He will march on to a line running from below the Swedish port of Boden, in the north gulf of Bothnia through Sweden and Norway ta a point on the Arctic ocean, south of the Norwegian port of Tromso. act was based on "false assump porter will care to disregard the the German pocket battleship lions" which have frequently been 6121 I MAIL AND PHONE ORDERS FILLED MA. Admiral Graf Spee.

magnified and accentuated by onesided and biased administration." In the tense hours before the Authorities here hope their information does not work out, but of Canada. The story of this billion-dollar mistake was told today in "Iron Floats to Market," an article about Minnesota's iron mining industry by Jack Alexander, in the current issue of the Saturday Evening Fost. ALSO AT RADISSON STOKE German raider acceded to Uru president's wishes. Messrs. Roosevelt and Hull based their moral embargo action on the ground Russia had been bombing civilian populations.

That same basis would auto- guay's departure order Sunday, the are anxiously waiting to see. In other words snipping off about United States assumed a leading 0 per cent of Swedish and Nor role in this firm stand, it was Said wegian territory at the top. Mr. Roosevelt is side slipping Into a moral embargo program of his matically erect the same trade wall Two Red. purposes would thus be The Spee finally sailed out and against Japan.

erved. The manufacturers' statement descrlhrd as "definitely encouraging" the work of the house committee Investigating the labor board, which re. censed its hearings last night after two committeemen charged that hoard officials attempted to "entrap" the In-land Steel company Into violating the labor law In the "Little Steel" strike of 11)87. was exploded rather than again The state department has al own. The prophecy from this type- face the British warships it had ready officially charged Tokyo Russia would get an all-year port AROUND THE TOWN battled Wednesday.

with bombing civilian Chinese. undreds of miles nearer the At writer that he would do something to break up Russia's buying of molvbdenum for Germany came If he wants to, Mr. Roosevelt bntic trade lines, but would have can, therefore, make sweeping ex build a railroad to it. New officers of Northwest Pcdi' She would thus hold a sword tensions of the highly important policy he has started so quietly true. The president has appealed to U.

S. exporters against shipping atric society are Dr. Roland Nut orever over the head of Scandi Force, had it been necessary, would have Involved the Amer-lean nations which on Oct. warned belligerents away from their coasts. Meanwhile the British govern This compart clips On the belt Nathan Witt, florid-faced board without legislation.

ting, Duluth, president; Dr. Harold kavia. mm secretary, denied this was true, F. Flanagan, St. Paul, vice presi dent, and Dr.

John M. Adams, Mln but acknowledged that, before any charges were filed, he had made neapolls, secretary-treasurer. Finland Much Like Minnesota suggestions to CIO union officials ment asked the Uruguayan foreign ministry to Investigate whether British warships used gas shells in Commonwealth club members as to the "quickest way" to get a will hear John F. Sinclair on the attacking the Spee. international situation Thursday Rothley 3-P1ECH LOUNGE PAJAMAS with jeweler's compact that clips on as a buckle By W.

L. WHITE Helsinki. I FIND Finland very much like Minnesota in race as well as in its physical characteristics. The noon at YMCA. Crew Interned in Argentine Interior John F.

Sinclair, lecturer on business and international affairs, lakes and the dense pine forests remind me of will speak on "After 20 Years" at nowhere so much as the American northwest. The seat of the Finnish government looks like Saturday Lunch club meeting Sat board decision on the case, Representative Rout.ohn Ohio) promptly commented that If entrapment was not involved, he did not understand the English language. Representative Halleck Ind.) joined In the criticism. Proposals offered by the manufacturers' association Included: Protection of employes from unfair labor practices. "Rensonnhle limitations" on the right to strike.

A ban on the "closed shop" and "check-off." BUENOS AIRES W) Landlocked life in the Argentine interior became the lot today of the Admiral Graf Spee's crew, interned 10 any American statehouse. for duration of the war In Europe. urday noon in West hotel, Faculty of political wieiic department of the University of Minnesota will attend annual meeting of American Political Science association, Washington, I). Dec. 28 30.

President Robert M. Ortiz de special attention being paid, of course, to Bolshevik political commissars. I would advise you to accept at some discount, however, Fmnish stories of Russians locked up inside their tanks, or killing dogs for food, although it is undoubtedly true that the Finnish army is better fed, clad and trained for defensive fighting than Russia, which has only its reserves to make up for that lack. Even without help it appears that the Finns can probably fight on until spring, making Stalin pay a terrific price in man power and materials for victory. Finland's chief danger appears to lie in Russian mass bombing raids, which may completely destroy rail centers, important towns and practically wipe out organized civilization, making it impossible to keep an adequate flow of food and munitions to Finland's little army.

Finland's greatest need is for more anti-aircraft guns to knock the Russian bombers out of the sky, about 500 pursuit planes to chase them back to Russia and perhaps a few bombers for raids on nearby Russian rail and military centers. IN RAYON SATIN A regal coat over smart lumberjack blou creed that officers of the German raider could live in Buenos Aires, but that the seamen must be dis nW I a and flaring trousers a clasped on the belt is Elimination or modification of tributed among provinces far from E. L. Kenney corps, Women's Helsinki itself Is like any modern middie-sizea American city of 100,000 population. Finland's little army of 300,000 (little as European armies go, that is) is as democratic as Amer-.

tea's national guard, and magnificently trained to the Daniel Boone style of fighting, except that it seems doubtful if our Daniel Boone wore skis. The soldiers make stands behind huge barricades of felled pines, slowly falling back (when they DO fall back) from tree-trunk to tree-trunk, until the next barricade is reached and another longer stand Is made. Each Finn In this way has, thus far In the actual fighting, accounted for at least 50 Russians, with fine jeweler's compact mi the "majority rule" In employe representation. Relief corps, will meet in IOOF hall. Twenty-second and Central the ocean or the river.

Germany will bear the mainte' nance costs. Safeguarding "freedom avenues, at 2 p.m. Dec. 27. Yes all for $10 In roynl, wine, French blue, bromine green, Kelly green, Chinese red, block sixes 11 to 20 mhmM The German sailors were to leave their quarters without Twin City Bond Traders club will hold its annual midwinter dinner Jan.

16, King Cole hotel Alfred N. Plumley, toastmaster. Ind floor SLHTEKS TO MATCH military escorts. Exeter Expected in Argentine Port WEATHER FORECAST speech by clear and appropriate language" In the Wagner act. A ban on compulsory multiple-unit certifications of a bargaining agent combining In one unit the employes of a number of employers.

A requirement that labor unions file certificates of their "responsibility" with the board. Tampering With Board Files Seen WASHINGTON (INS) Investigation of "tampering" with secret Executive heard of Minnesota Wild Life federation will meet at 7:30 p.m. Friday in Curtis hotel. Entlrd contrnln rnpyrlxhtad by Rolhley, Inc. BUENOS AIRES (INS) The TEMPERATURES damaged British cruiser Exeter was expected to enter the port of Bahia Bianca today after spending Temperatures Lowest last night, first column: hiehest last 24 hours, second col Two Minneapolis boys, Lewis Enkema and Alan Hall, are among Maurice Rothschild MINNESOTA: Partly cloudy tonight and Thursday; slightly cold-r tonight, except in extreme southwest portion.

WISCONSIN: Partly cloudy to cloudy tonight and Thursday; lightly colder tonight in northwest and west-central portions. NORTH DAKOTA: Partly cloudy tonight and Thursday; some- umn; precipitation last 21 hours, last col the night anchored approximately umn. 12 students named to the Caileton t). a. it.

off. Palace Clothing House Aberdeen Atlanta Bemldji Bismarck Boise 80 miles from the Argentine har bor. Ivhat warmer in extreme west portion tonight. college debate squad, Ernest Wrage, coach, announced at North field. SOUTH DAKOTA: Partly cloudy tonight and Thursday; slightly Boston files of the national labor relations farmer in south-central and extreme west portions tonight.

A reliable source declared the Exeter, which was put out of ac Buffalo Charles Cy Chicago Davenport board appeared a possibility today as attaches of the house NLRB Investigating committee reported Northwtir't Grtat SKI HEADQUARTERS Denver HEADINGS Humidity, 85; precipitation, 12; wind, 1 N.W. Hiinri. 7:48 a.m.: sunset. 4:34 p.m.; moonrise, 12:56 p.m.; moonset, 1:33 a.m.; Children of members of YMCA Inter Racial Service council will take part in the group's holiday program Dec. Des Mn Detroit tion during last week's naval bat tie with the scuttled German pock et battleship Admiral Graf Spee, Devils Lk tiooi? phase.

First Quarter; barograph, 28.97. thia mnnth Cifi tntnl thin vnnr. 54.48: rienftrtura of nreclDltatlon Dde Cv 17 37 IMIaml 72 79 41 65 Cy If) 41 19 27 Milwaukee 27 40 13 31 IMInot 12 34 34 50 ,14 Nw Olns 48 69 .52 38 41 .02 Nw York 41 51 .01 40 54 .55 Nth Pit 10 45 23 33 .14 Okla Cy 32 52 32 42 21 41 27 40 Phoenix 41 76 25 53 IPtld Or 46 50 .22 22 35 Cy 20 45 36 54 .03 St Louis 28 46 14 22 ISn Frnco 50 59 .01 28 49 ISanta Fe 22 42 19 31 Ml8 8 Mar 30 34 ,32 29 60 Seattle 46 51 .23 19 24 I.SIoux Cy 14 37 .01 40 66 .75 Spokane 35 44 .18 27 42 .04 Snfd Mn 20 29 26 46 IWashgtn 49 61 ,12 17 35 Wausau 23 34 .19 32 54 Iwilllston 10 33 61 77 Pk 25 35 26 46 I anadian 25 34 .07 Edmonton 27 32 14 39 IMontreal 24 31 .17 57 81 tPt Arth 16 25 .06 38 60 .16 Swt Crnt 17 36 28 40 IThe Pas -3 21 35 56 Winnipeg 17 23 hi month, 30; this year, 2.85. was drawing about three feet more water than usual and "hardly able Radios CROSLEY R. C.

A. EMERSON Hlgn yesterday oa; row, n. Highest year ago today, 28; lowest, 21. Duluth El Paso Fargo Ga Iveeton Grn Bay to navigate." Havre Huron The British embassy at Buenos 80, YMCA. Mr.

and Mrs. Charles Nichols, 4128 Lyndale avenue celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary this week. They were married in Elkader, Iowa, and have Bruccwood JACKETS THE DAY'S RECORD Indnpls Aires strenuously denied these re Decca Phonograph Records Oct Our rrli'M J. E. FRANK MUSIC CO.

20 HO. STII MT. BALDWIN NANOM ports, stating the Exeter was ap proaching the British naval base jcKsnvu Kans Cy La Crs Lemmon Los Angls Louisville Madison MARRIAGE LICENSE APPLICATIONS at the Falkland islands. lived 30 years in Minneapolis. BIRTHS GIRLS Mr.

and Mrs $95 Roland B. Crellln, 21, 324 15th ay. S.E.; Memphis Florence l. ranee, zi, ai ioia a. o.

Charles R. Pace, 2300 Glrard av 8. Adam R. Glbo, 1533 E. 22nd St.

Bnbert M. May, 21, Majestic Hotel; Alice Mark Bradshaw. 1604 1st av S. E. Fuller.

21, same. Joseph C. Glickman, 5036 Lyndale av 8. P. M.

UNTIL CHRISTMAS OPEN FROM 9 A. M. TO 9 ftobert Kronick, legal, 1618 Thomas place; Ruth Kotz, legal, 1801 rtusseu Mark A. Forgette, 25, 4340 Drew av. uougias Keea, osseo, Minn.

Erich Kunzman, 1822 Lincoln st N.E. Charles Relchel, 3504 St. Paul av. James E. Hill, Route 9, Minneapolis, Charles L.

Peet, Deephaven, Minn. Harold F. Brown, 421 S.E. 8th st. Leroy P.

Morlarity. 2247 E. 38th st. Marjorie A. Fossum, vsia r.meioun v.

S. Ralph Nelson, 19, 2301 22nd av. 8. Cor nelia fOOl, IV, 11 OLU BU O. John I.

Lemieux, 2540 Polk st N.E. We didn't eliminate them Washington did. Twenty two weather stations have been omitted from the listing of temperatures. One station predicts weather and temperatures for an area of 25 or 30 miles and in instances where two or more of these stations are within this area, one has been eliminated. klx Plltman, 27, 1406 Queen Flor- For th woman or mln who skis and ikatts thai wlndpreof, watr rtpollant ackti art Ideal.

Other styles of tarn fabric with full ilpptr front and parka hood or quilted stylo. Slioi 14 to 40 Tralfcfoth "Downhill" lne Hurwiu, 23, laao vpion Henry M. Robinson, 28. Roanoke, Virginia 1. its, ZBH iiiiui av.

c. lesM Henderson, legal, 1920 Portland av. Gertrude Young, legal, zuiz uarneia b. Harry A. Cummlngs, 28.

St. Paul, iaariiyn jjj. uacKus, oiu vnuveitum. Patrick 300 W. 40th; Wan tsf froviors da KarDo, zt, ziii university n.c.

ST. fully flood ffohn F. Shabel. 24, 4533 Colfax av. B.

PAUL BIRTHS Girls Dorothy J. Mcwilliams, zi, aiu run-bury av. 8. 95 $4 Stanley B. Borenson, 25, Moline, Max- Mr.

and Mrs. Arthur James Currsn. 498 Fry it. ine jr. maimer, 111 jjeiaware.

DEATHS Charles Hlrschorn, 408 Rice street. Vernon M. Krohn, 2718 26th, Minneapolis, Minn. Manuel Levtan, 529 Laurel avenue, Edward J. Llstnn.

1655 Iglehart avenue. Hubert T. Sworskl, 618 Huron st S.E. Thomas L. Larkln, 224 RiiBsell av S.

Samuel D. Preese, 750 Tyler N.E, Harold R. Duffer, 4643 6th st N.E. Theodore Mllln. 4107 Emerson av N.

Delmer G. Blocker, 5424 Wentworth av 8. Elmer T. Hart, 3128 30th av S. Frank G.

Warta, 3708 S. Bryant av. William C. Hanson 4521 33rd av 8. Aaron Scheer, Maple Plain, Minn.

Leonard Baumgarien, 1609 E. 24th It. Emerald Hennlng, Renville, Minn. Russell O'Connor, Belle Plalne, Minn. BOYS Earl L.

Spry, 56 Bherldan av 8. Christ Knudson, 4515 Snelling av. Cyril P. Seman, 814 20th av S. Clarence L.

Anderson, Wayzata, Route 2. Arnold W. Cook, Osseo, Minn, timer Adelman. 1316 W. 25ft it.

John L. Stieffer, 829 B. 8th st. Arthur Rue, 1517 E. Hennepin.

John L. Ballard, 3030 41st av 8. Gerald N. Powers, Milwaukee, Wis. David A.

DeVore, 1519 Spruce place. Avery C. Peterson, 1812 Clinton av. George R. Hatton, 4541 Queen av N.

Emll F. Blelas, 1509 N. 3rd St. Herbert Bensch, 3608 36th av 8. Vance W.

Hull, 751 E. 27th St. Chester E. Plante, 2520 23rd av 8. Douglas C.

Morris, 8t. Louis Park, Minn. Carl G. Johnson, 3041 Snelling av. Simon 8.

Donges, 911 20th av 8. BUILDING PERMITS 260818 Chas Joslah 201 Lewis Bldg: 1 sty stone ven filling sta grease pit 2831 University BE 23 Aud Suj 21 Gust Benson 1947 Cleveland St NE 4 Butler A.nna B. Johnson, 87, 1415 10th av 8. Isaao Fuzzey, 83, 2728 Pierce st N.E. Etta Clausen, 82, 1017 Harmon place.

Richard Stachowlak. 457 Mendots, street. Gerald C. Vlllars, 1971 Lincoln avenue. OPEN TO Hoys Mr.

and Mrs. knna Floreen, 80, 2420 Chicago av. 9 P.M. TILL i CHRISTMAS Arthur R. Anderson, 331 Eighth avenue Philip J.

Jenkins, 79, 1207 W. 25th it. South St. Paul. Charles Carlisle, 78, 2815 8.E.

4th st. Albert Buchs. 75. 3041 Bryant av 8. Philip A.

Klnn, 1435 Van Buren street. Ervln R. PIlKer, 12 Duncan street. Alfred W. Plum, 458 Herschel avenue.

IJames L. Robinson, 75, 2501 Pleasant av. anna B. Ross, 74, 300 Selby, Bt. Paul.

Klbert H. Koethe, 72, 301 Washington av Emmett A. Robens, 755 Carroll avenue, ST. PAUL DEATHS Edward Witter, 70, 2709 12th av 8. iMyrtle J.

Tenny, 68, 4125 5th av S. Fanny R. Dutton, 67, 2209 Pleasant av. 3 pairs In this beautiful gift chest $285 57. 76.

Louis K. Rnras, 1443 Rosa street, Hilda Thompson. 1789 Selby avenue, Oliver Thereaux, 66, 1411 N. 4th st. Leon tjastien, 01, him b.r.

dui i. Artnur jessier, uner mkc. zv. Bertie Vorys, 1879 Feronla avenue, 63. Nicholas Anderson.

1315 DcSoto slreet. 81. iulda Kneaiing, 83. zzin urana si frse parking wftllo you purchase hero next to falaet Bldg. alto 4th and Morqutffo Caroline Fenske, 1550 Grantham street.

94. Elizabeth M. Fish, 63, 3408 Irving av 8. Henry M. Wood, 69, 2318 Cole av S.E.

Arthur It. Hogenson, 57, 2701 Riverside Bimon 1. Jensen, 244 -ast ientn street, 25. Margaret E. Mclntyrt, Stillwater, 28.

Frank Allenson, 835 Bates avenue, 54. Mfg Co bldr 900 6 Av BE I 2,000 Christopher E. Hiskln, 56, 6120 Vincent av a. tfiorn HV Mllner. 56.

Anoka. Minn. zu Anaerson 1 sty stucco awig A garage 4520 Longfellow Av 6 5 Cedar Av Pk: Jones A Dean Joseph P. Steffens, 48, 3027 N. 3rd it.

Eureka E. Fay, 45, 3335 36th av S. Tessa Mansdorf, 38, 1599 St. Anthony av, bldr 512 McKnlght Bldg 5,000 at. faui.

23 Hodgdon John bldr 2HZZ Ulysses: 1 sty fr dwlg A garage 2633 Johnson NE 5 Johnson STOWAWAYS IX MANILA MANILA (U.R) Two youths who stowed away on -MmvdccJL RjotltiJiidt) John Patrick Stoddart, 3, 12 K. 17th at. Lvnn. 2500 12th av 8. Street Rgt: Owner bulldl 3,500 Robert Campbell, 6 118 Artnur av 2S Enkson can A oinr si 20 10 av 8: 1 sty fr dwlg A garage 5509 Harriet 19 1 Jarvls Pleasant Palace Clothing House the Norwegian freighter Roseville in San Francisco, were turned over to police today when the ship View: Owner builds 8,000 Compliment the loveliest ivdman you know with lovely SILK HOSIERY 26 Erikson Car) A bldr bizs 10 av 8: 1 sty fr dwlg A garage 6500 Harriet Av 12 2 Jarvls Pleas Ingrid Looks it rm ant View: Owner builds 8,000 27 Erikson Carl A bldr 5128 10 Av 8: 1 sty fr dwlg 5525 Harriet Av 8 2 Jarvls Pleasant View: Owner builds 6,200 28 Erikson Carl A bldr 6125 10 Av 8: 1 sty stucco dwlg A garage 5529 Harriet Av 50 ft of 165.25 ft of 330.50 ft of 127 Aud Bub No 149: Owner 6,400 Total minor permits 1,395 Total bulMlnn permits Total so far this month 132.495 42,749,425 1 CONTAGIOUS DISEASES luarantlne In qua New Re- this Give a DIFFERENT GIFT1 Cases tieatns leases, date T.I.I JrTf.WT T1 TM Scarlet fever 0 3 88 Liipntheria IiMiiU.nhlrMrtilljlKI IS 1 i I 'M m.

IS 4 Local Firms Bid on Hawaiian Project The Al Johnson Construction LaCrosse Dredging J. L. Shiely 0. and United onstructlon all of Minneapolis, submitted a joint' bid of $9,178,400 for construction of drydocks 2 and 3 at SWIMMING LESSONS FOR SISTER? ACCORDION FOR BROTHER? DOLL HOUSE FOR BABY? BOOKS FOR THE HOME? Many icllnt gift suggestions for busy shopptrs ro of-farad today In th Star-Journal Want Ad Gift Gulda under the heading "Santa's Gift Guide." TURN TO SANTA'S GIFT GUIDE IN THE WANT ADS A sensational opportunity for Christmas Gift Buying! After 25 years as the North-west's leading cut rate sporting goods establishment, Bud's Sport Shop closes its doors forever! 3 pairs in gift chest for $2.85 Sheer, filmy hosiery a woman can never have too much of this gorgeousness. Shower her with it in beautiful gift boxes Our saleswomen are experts at helping men make selections Other Aberle hoaiery 85c to $1J5 MAURICE ROTHSCHILD Palace Clothing House 9 the Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, naval asm 1 yard, it was reported today.

Also announced in Washington were bids of $6,259,268 by the Hawaiian Dredging Ltd, and Pacific Bridge Co. of San Francisco, and $8,074,000 by the Pleasantville, N.Y, Constructors, Inc. Crown Princess Ingrid of Denmark, right, is shown as she purchased a trinket at the Christmas bazaar organized by the Swedish colony in Copenhagen recently. New York Times-Wide World photo. gaga? 5.

The Minneapolis Star from Minneapolis, Minnesota (2024)


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Name: Jonah Leffler

Birthday: 1997-10-27

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