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PvE Analysis
Shadow Ho-Oh gains improvements in PvE thanks to the ATK buff from being a Shadow Pokemon. It has received its signature move, Sacred Fire. However, Sacred Fire's parameters aren't much better than Fire Blast's, making Shadow Ho-Oh an inferior Fire attacking choice compared to Shadow Moltres, Shadow Entei, Shadow Charizard, and Reshiram. Additionally, Sacred Fire is gated behind an Elite TM for Shadow Ho-Oh. Nonetheless, Shadow Ho-Oh is a very respectable Flying attacker thanks to Brave Bird's power, further improved if you are lucky enough to roll Hidden Power Flying. As Fire and Flying have some overlaps in coverage, Shadow Ho-Oh can pair Incinerate and Brave Bird together to dominate Grass- and Bug-type raid bosses.
For players who paid for GO Tour: Johto, they have access to Apex Shadow Ho-Oh. This variant of Ho-Oh naturally comes with Sacred Fire+, a stronger version of Sacred Fire. With this move, Apex Shadow Ho-Oh becomes a very powerful Fire attacker, with an overall performance rivaling that of Shadow Moltres and Shadow Entei. Do not purify Apex Shadow Ho-Oh if you care about raid dps, as it loses a considerable amount of dps despite receiving Sacred Fire++.
Best PvE Offensive Moveset
Incinerate + Sacred Fire* or Sacred Fire+ | Best |
Incinerate is the best fast move available due to STAB.
Extrasensory is betterfor effectiveness vs. Fighting-types specifically.
Steel Wing is mostly useless.
Hidden Power is only viable if it is Flying type. Otherwise, Incinerate or even Extrasensory are better options.
Brave Bird is the best charge move available, and benefits from STAB.
Sacred Fire* is Ho-Oh's signature move, and makes it a respectable Fire attacker. However, it requires an Elite TM.
Sacred Fire+* is exclusive to Apex Shadow Ho-Oh and it's objectively stronger than its base version. However, basic Sacred Fire is still great.
Fire Blastis much slower and doesn't perform as well, except against Ice or Steel-types.
Solar Beam is the charged move of choice against Water, Ground, and Rock-type Pokemon, but lacks STAB.
Earthquakeis a bit of an awkward move on attack for Ho-oh and doesn't do much for it.
PvP Analysis
Incinerate + Sacred Fire* and Brave Bird |
Incinerate is Ho-Oh's only viable fast move option due to its high STAB damage and energy generation, though it is quite cumbersome being a 5 turn fast move.ExtrasensoryandSteel Wingare both inferior choices by a considerable margin, though they don't suffer nearly as much from the slow animation that Incinerate has.Hidden Power isnot a great attack in PVP, but it can have some niche utility on Ho-Oh if given the proper typing.
Brave Birddemands quite a bit of energy, but is the cheapest charge move available to Ho-Oh. While its self-debuff makes it somewhat risky, its high STAB damage makes it considerably threatening if unshielded. Sacred Fire is a very powerful STAB move with a 50% Attack debuff chance, and burns down Steel-type targets Also worth noting, it has the same power in pvp as Sacred Fire+, so a non-Apex Ho-oh is just as good here. Earthquake provides coverage against Rock types and certain targets such as Zekrom. Solar Beam and Fire Blast are among the most expensive charge moves in the game energy-wise, but the former provides coverage against Water and Rock Pokemon that Ho-Oh can struggle against, while the latter is best avoided because it is completely outclassed by Sacred Fire.
Sacred Fire+ is functionally identical to Sacred Fire in PvP
Great League | |
Being released as a Shadow Pokemon enables Ho-Oh to participate in Great League much more easily. The trade-off of having an ATK buffand a DEF nerf as a Shadow Pokemon is actually more favorable for Ho-Oh due to the high damage output from its moveset, enabling more wins in certain scenarios than regular Ho-Oh. However its cumbersome charge moves leave Ho-Oh in a difficult spot when shields are available and it doesn't have a typing advantage. Ho-Oh would prefer to play as a closer in the end game when shields are gone, or at the least with an energy farming advantage to pressure shields more comfortably. | |
Ultra League | |
Shadow Ho-Oh acts primarily as a closer, using its powerful but slow charged moves to finish off opponents lacking shields. Its performance in 2-shield fights is quite poor, and it has close competition with Charizard and Talonflame, to which it loses to when shields are in play. Since Ho-Oh is a legendary Pokemon, it also has to contend with Giratina who has a decently comfortable time beating the Rainbow Pokemon. | |
Master League | |
Shadow Ho-Oh has an explosive closing potential thanks to its immense coverage and wide coverage. A Brave Bird can almost delete Kyogre and Palkia from full HP. Shadow Ho-Oh can be tricky to use, however, as the added frailty from being a Shadow Pokemon makes it less consistent at reaching its charge moves. Most egregiously, a Wild Charge from Zacian can almost instantly delete it, while regular Ho-Oh can survive quite comfortably. Shields are especially tough for Shadow Ho-Oh to overcome. Nonetheless, Shadow Ho-Oh is still bulky enough to utilize its useful Fairy-, Fighting-, Ground-, and Steel-type resistances that define regular Ho-Oh's role in the metagame. Players who find farming opportunities with Shadow Ho-Oh can look forward to the satisfying feeling of watching enemy health bars instantly disappear. |
Vulnerable |
Rock256% |
Electric160% |
Water160% |
Resistant |
Bug39.1% |
Grass39.1% |
Fairy62.5% |
Fighting62.5% |
Fire62.5% |
Ground62.5% |
Steel62.5% |
Purification Cost
20 Candy + 20,000 Stardust
Flee Rate
Buddy Distance
20 KM
Catch Rate
Female Ratio
Male Ratio
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