1. 学爸(2023) - 豆瓣电影
Bevat niet: many there
雷大力(黄渤 饰)为了让儿子雷小米(单禹豪 饰)能够拥有更高的人生起点,在单亲妈妈刘真真(闫妮 饰)的带领下,被迫卷入了“幼升小”的激烈角逐。又在火哥(张子贤 饰)和火嫂(万茜 饰)的影响下,不惜倾尽...
2. Movies Released in 2023 - The Numbers
This list shows all films released in 2023, including films that went direct-to-video, or only got an international theatrical release.
Movies released in 2023
3. Review: Death Stranding (2023) | Sino-Cinema 《神州电影》
17 dec 2023 · China/Hong Kong, 2023, colour, 2.35:1, 96 mins. Director: Peng Fa 彭发 [Danny Pang]. Rating: 5/10. Generic, Hong Kong-style crime drama is ...
China/Hong Kong, 2023, colour, 2.35:1, 96 mins.
4. 学爸_百度百科
Bevat niet: many there
5. A Study on the Subtitle Translation of Xue Ba (《学爸》) from the ...
This paper analyzes the subtitle translation method of the movie Xue Ba based on relevance theory, combined with specific cases.
Movies play a crucial role in intercultural communication. It is a form of entertainment and a powerful medium of cultural communication. Movie subtitles also play a vital role in cultural communication. High-quality subtitles are conducive to transmitting Chinese culture to the outside world. This paper analyzes the subtitle translation method of the movie Xue Ba based on relevance theory, combined with specific cases, aiming to explore how to use correlation theory in movie subtitle translation to provide some references for movie subtitle translation.
6. 学爸(2023)
Bevat niet: many there
雷大力(黄渤 饰)为了让儿子雷小米(单禹豪 饰)能够拥有更高的人生起点,在单亲妈妈刘真真(闫妮 饰)的带领下,被迫卷入了“幼升小”的激烈角逐。又在火哥(张子贤 饰)和火嫂(万茜 饰)的影响下,不惜倾尽所有购入学区房,重重压力让父子二人的生活变得不堪一击。雷小米小姨(张钧甯 饰)的出现,又让雷大力领悟了“拼娃”的本质是“拼父母”……面对残酷的现实,父子的生活困境应该如何破局?几组家庭又将做出怎样的人生抉择?
7. [PDF] A Study on the Subtitle Translation of Xue Ba (《学爸》) from the ...
23 dec 2024 · This paper an- alyzes the subtitle translation method of the movie Xue Ba based on relevance theory, combined with specific cases, aiming to ...
8. Stay-at-home fathers “全职奶爸” 不再是非主流 - BBC
31 jan 2022 · For many people, having children can force parents to choose between career and family. Sometimes it comes down to finances – sending a child to ...
Why do people choose to be stay-at-home dads?