In 1702 a decisive battle took place along the nearby Flint River. Nine hundred Apalachees, in league with the Spanish, fought here against English traders and five hundred of their Creek allies. Forewarned of an impending attack, the Creeks . . . — — Map (dbm9001) HM
Sylvester started as a “beautiful nowhere” in 1893 and was first established as “Isabella Station”. When Brunswick and Albany Railway came through southwest Georgia, the county seat was Isabella, which is located three miles north of the railroad. . . . — — Map (dbm120333) HM
Thigpen Trail, oldest military road in Georgia, was cut by James Thigpen to transport military supplies of Col. James Moore, former Carolina governor. It followed a wellbeaten trail of the Indians from the mountains to the sea in use before the . . . — — Map (dbm40110) HM
This County created by Act of the Legislature Dec. 20, 1853 is named for Maj. Gen. Wm. J. Worth of Mexican War fame under whose command served Maj. William A. Harris, a leader in the organization of the new County. Among the first County Officers . . . — — Map (dbm40109) HM
One of most modern railroad shops in U.S. Completed in 1913. Generated its own electricity, coal fed by stoker, ashes removed mechanically. — — Map (dbm162017) HM
Peak selling season August — December yearly until 1969. 70 railcars of cattle arriving alternate days. Unloading points manned by Strand and Railroad employees on horseback. — — Map (dbm162016) HM
This property is listed in the National Register of Historic Places by the United States Department of the Interior — — Map (dbm89781) HM
13 ► Iowa, Worth County, Northwood — Former Worth County Courthouse, 1880 — Worth County Historical Museum, July 4, 1973 — Iowa Historic Site —
Worth County Court House 1879-1892 Northwood High School 1892-1915 Civic Activities, Public Library Youth Center 1917-1972This plaque given in memory of a community leader Reuben Rustad 1897 - 1976 . . . — — Map (dbm89766) HM
Northern Iowa landforms result from the action of 3 separate glacial ice sheets. Clear Lake, south of here, is one of the many Iowa lakes formed by glacial action. Pilot Knob, a glacially formed hill west of here, is one of highest points in . . . — — Map (dbm224584) HM
As this war continues yet today, the role of women has evolved. As soldiers in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, women have done nearly as much in battle as their male counterparts. Women have patrolled streets with machine guns, served as gunners . . . — — Map (dbm238272) HM WM
Korean War 1950-1953Women were active participants in the war effort, filling noncombat support roles, from nurses and caregivers to supply clerks. Women served as communication technicians and intelligence analysts in addition to medical . . . — — Map (dbm238868) HM
Swensrud School pupils wrote with chalk on walls painted black. No grading. Once selected books were completed to teacher's satisfaction, the pupil was considered graduated! — — Map (dbm89805) HM
Several hundred women disguised themselves as men and took the bold step of leaving their homes to serve their country during the Civil War. Many women enlisted because they had no means of supporting themselves after their loved one enlisted. . . . — — Map (dbm238273) HM
When America entered World War I, American women were already in the workforce. Their employment opportunities expanded beyond traditional women's professions, and women were now employed in clerical positions and especially garment and textile . . . — — Map (dbm238756) HM
Rosie the Riveter was the star of a campaign aimed at recruiting female workers for defense industries during World War II. She became the most iconic image of working women. By 1945 the percentage of women in the workforce was nearly 40%. . . . — — Map (dbm238430) HM
It was in this town of Grant City, MO. that world famous bandleader Glenn Miller acquired and learned to play his first horn. That first musical instrument was an old trombone which was lying on a shelf in a back storeroom of a cleaning parlor. . . . — — Map (dbm188194) HM
[side 1] The last of Missouri's 114 counties to be formed, Worth was organized in Feb., 1861, 6 months and 39 years after Missouri was admitted into the Union, Aug., 1821, with 25 counties. Encompassing 267 sq. miles of . . . — — Map (dbm179674) HM
Bell placed on water tower during the 1930’s. Used as alarm for fires, curfew 1950’s, and announcing the end of W.W. II. Feb ’98 tower was dismantled and move to present site April 2000. — — Map (dbm216964) HM
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