Dunkirk Evening Observer from Dunkirk, New York (2024)

PAfJE TWELVE I 0 08 i i Dresses for Stouts 0 6 0 fi I SILK WOOL DRESSES, 42 to It I EVERY DRESS NEW THIS SEASON AII oiioiluiiity for the large woman to secure a real bargain. No reason for these reductions, other than our unalterable rule not to carry over seasonable Heady-to-Wcar. Every dress new this PERSONAL MENT10IS Mr. and Mrs. B.

I 1 WlllUmi Sheridan it lie Wednesday to llorlda. Clma Owen of East Serenti Tlilllnx Irlcndj and relillie la Niagara Falls. Mlsa OlUiUr o( Buffalo thi week end tuest of Mill Eileen Mill bolland In Writ Filth street. Mr. and Mrt.

Daild Baker of Iluffalo Lara Ittn iptndlug a feir days it the llaker boino In tt'est Fourth streeL Mn. U. W. Wiley of Hamlet street Fredonla bti cone la Newark. N.

J. lo tlilt her Mias 11 Wiley. Mlaa Ethel Ludlow bat returned lo juelph, Ontario alter spending; the holidays with her parents In Green street. Mlia llopklaa of Clerelacd been Tliltlet her parents, Ur. lira.

Ilert llopklna In West Second ttreeL Thi Mima Tbereaa and UUIan Wyatynikl of atreet bare Cone to Cleveland lo attend the funeral of Mrs. Novak. Mra. Charles O. Frey.

ha? return- season. Were $22.50, now Were $27.50, now Were $35.00, now Were $39.50, now 7.50 EXTRA SPEGIfiLS IN SILK CHIFFON VELVET la 3 Pieces of Black All Silk French Chiffon Velvet, 40 inches wide, regular price $7.00, for ft 320 Central Ave. lo Dunkirk, N.Y. ed lo Kent. alter a rislt with her father.

Dr. Coerce (i 1211s In West Fifth atrret. Michael Ferrara. a atuilent nt the Unlterslty of Iluttalo, la apendlnc the holidays with his parents In Columbus street. Mr.

and Mrs. Gilbert Mdmejcr ol West Fourth street hare returnc from a New Year's tlslt with rela tltes In Krle. Mils Ilcrtka Stcne has rone Itocheater for a few days before resuming her teai-hlss at the Par! School la lluffilo. Mrs. II.

V. Salisbury, of 212 King street. Is spending a feW days In May Tlllo as the Kuest of her parents. Mr and Mra. Joseih Ocker.

Miss Elizabeth K. Itozovsky return ril Thursday tu Washington, after spi-ndlnc the holljajs at her home In Washington atenur. Mr. acd Mrs. II.

II Clothier and Mr. and Mrs. II. U. Clothier of Silver L'rcek Tcero New Year's Kuvsts ol Dr.

and Mrs. Waller Vosbure. Andrew Iianiszek and Jimp!) Ilan aszek bare returned to Cleveland at Ur allfuJInc the funeral uf Mrs. Anna W)sz)nska of Dunkirk. Mrs.

Ijtva C. Marih and son. Wai Icr Jolm are Bursts at the Iinme ol her former 'parents. Mr. and 'Jlrs.

W. II. I'cllll of Matlcson street William C. lroeno was In Jluffalo on Year's Day where In the evening be attended the. Data dance held In the Etatlcr Hotel.

The Yalo fileo Club Klres a ron ctrt tnnlckt at tho Toeatletli Century Cluli In lluffaln. llORer V. decorated lahler. orer. two handred btlac aerred.

MIn Hilda boa.i waa la of tat deeorat IflC. Mra. Charles Easto of tie diac- lac. O. U.

Mulholland ot Ue kitchen and Mrs. William Godfrey cl the dlnut room. Following sup- there was i ilcrt protraai. Mlaa Leoaora Toomey played two tlolln nuabera, accompanied by Mra. Arthur lleqaembourc.

Mra. IL D. Jlllson recited and Her. Edmund Sills fang. The Wooddlffe orchestra played for the dancing which followed.

MISS JENNIE A. GOGGIN DIES IN SHERIDAN For Years a Resident of Dunkirk and Vicinity--Funeral Monday. His Jennie- A. GojtU well known a-1 highly reapeeted resident of the Town of Sheridan died this morning 1:20 o'clock at the home of her! Ister Mn. William C.

Elrawser, Middle road where she had resided the ist year. She was the daughter ot Mr. and Irs. HIchird Gogglo and waa born In Reliable Groceries Our business has been built on the satisfaction and qua ity accorded patrons of our You can always rely upon your purchase here. QUALITY GASH STORES, Inc.

"THE STORES OF QUALITY" 3 STORES IN DUNKIRK: Formrrlj Known As tbe DisVel Grocery 307 Central Ave. 401 Main St. 539 Deer St. I A I SPINAL ADJUSTMENTS BY A TRAINED AND EXPERIENCED DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC 7-'j WALTER B. REPERT Onlverwl College nradosle Lejlcr 23 E.

4lh Dunkirk, N. Y. ufrict. tiiowe nit Id irrv'l'itirot. I'llUND i Reildcut Calli -BOOK BINDERY, Jas.

Irving, Prop. 16 E. Second Street Near Wa.hlnjton Avenuo iUgaiinea, Muiie, PjrapbJetJ, boond In all stjles, nruera at leaded to. Work THE Mono MARKET Dial Cleanliness, Sanitary, Quality Prices That Are Right S. MOTTO SON MEAT MARKET 25 East Fourth Sum.

Fres Uellicry Service A.G.SIPPEL 1 Plumbing and Heating 421 WASHINGTON AVE. DUNKIRK. N. y. -ATTENTION Turn your oli rasa, paper, mag-: Iron.

Lata Into catb. buy Hem In any quantity and pa)loc liberal prleea. U'rlio or fbonc and ve itlll acnd oar truck. Dunkirk or Fredonia. i A.

Rubehstein Sons, 6470 W. Second Street PHONE 2037 i 1 i i i i H. C. EHLERS CO. Embalmers Funeral Directors Central Avenue i Motor and motor am- balance.

We talc ehirje o( oatcf toirn I (uncrala. 1'rltate ambulacco for moilct alck people, calli recelrcd by II. C. EI1LEI1S No. Si: Central Ate.

Phong iiExnr r. KOEi'ite JS5 E. Seconi. Phone te rillLIP C. ALBACH.

EIL o' CS Colnnbua Axe. PBOCI USS ARTHUR L. O'CONNELL LICENSED GENERAL I OAS. HEATINQ Ciptrt Prompt Jo Service. na SOS Canary Street.

Klrarm of this rlly Is pianist with iho club. Otis N. Ebrlton. baa been Tlslt- bin In Ihu apart- ncnts Irate-s thU ctenlnc to resume its rtudlrs In thi- of Vlrtlnla. f.

Ktrele ot Fredonia lias returned from a holiday tlslt In Ala anil lu Charlotte. C. Mr. Bleele and the children "111 rclnrnln atiout a neck. IMwanl T.

Drlsroll. nbn has mdlnx Ibc hulldars vlth bis parents. Mr. and Mrs. T.

C. Drisi-oll In U'est Slith street, will return to Washington. tnnltht. Miss Franrclla Johnston left Thursday fnr Waiblncton, irhero she has a piMltluu In the federal clrll sertler, after rtirndlnx tbe holidays at her hume In Washlocton aTi-uue. Mrs.

Jay T. nf York Is spending a few days Mr. and J. Wlllard ISadfley In West Ijko read. tolnc to Ann Ar- lu Dr.

and Carl Iladg- ley. Dr. Ilorord (i. (iiluclpal of tho Frrdunla Normal school and Principal Claude l)c of the Fn-donla li xrluHil atlendtil a r.icetlns ut tbo AtMwbldl Academic I'rlnclpals In Syracuse Ibis wrtk. February f.

Sho reald- cMn Dunkirk for mar years where he learea many frlenda. She waa eroted member of St. Mary's church. Italdes her altter, Mra. William C.

trawler aha leares a brother Illcbart Gofgln; two nieces. Ilnth Strawaer Florence Gotgln; four nephewa Howard Strawacr and Edward. HaroK and Franklin Goggln. all of Sheridan. The funeral will Iw held Monday morning at o'clock at the residence and at 10 o'clock In St.

Mary's rburch whero Ilojulem Solemn High Mass will be celebrated. JOSEPH GORKA DIED THIS MORNING Injury to Leg Several Years Ago Contributed to Last Illness. Josefh Gorka died this morning at three o'clock at his borne. Ill Bast front street aged 47 years and 1(1 months. lie aaffered an Injury to ouu of his less aereral years ago and bis contributed to his Ions Illncr-.

He bad resided In America for S3 cars first In Teias and tbcu In Dunkirk romlng here 21 years aso. He Is turrhcd by bis wife, Mrs. fiK-s Uorka: all children, 1'clcr. An- Irew. Edmund.

Theodore. Juno and Monica, In Dunkirk and tbe following irothtrs and alstrrs. Vincent Gorka In reias, Stanley. John and Frank Jorka. Acnes and Stanlslaw Gorka In 'oland.

Ho was a member of St. Hyacinth's hurtb. llrancb Polish National lllance and bad many Ho We bake while you sleep FRESH BREAD White Rye Vienna Fresh from the ovens of our bic bakery, VEHYBEST White, Rye'and fe nna bread is rushed to all grocers in Dunkirk- and Fredonia shortly after baking. Let your grocer be your baker Don't say bread; Say VERYBEST Wietzel Domst Baking Co. Verybest Bread Verybest Berries EAST FOURTH AT DKEB 8TRB2T.

"THE NEW SERVICE GARAGE" 'J Hereafter Joe's Garage, located at 78 80 E. Front Street, will be known as the Service Garage. Cars Overhauled, Repaired, and Washed. Storage SERVICE GARAGE FHONT ST. Phone 2027 Dnnkirk.

N. Y. ITU employed In tbe locomotive orka for a number ot years. The funeral announcement will be made later. MRS.

LOUIS MORGENSTERN DURIED THIS I The funeral of Mrs. Ixmls Moreen- tern was held this moraine at eight 'clock at the residence. East Main oad and at nine o'clock In St. Jos- rh's church. Fredanta, Her.

Father THE ADVERTIsem*nTS arc 8otnelhin more than type and talk. They are a daily service the Observer furnishes you in addition to the other important news of the world Real Estatt CULLINAN Insuranci HOMES FOR SALE! THIS LIST CHANGES DAILY SOSQQ--Will take a nearly ECW I room house with cellar and 1 S-l acrcsvof land. Cor. Willow ltd and Templa ltd, some fruit. No CM McKlDl 5 room bungalow, electric llchu.

us. batb. cellar. to Is 40 ft by 100 tu: In condition: small payment. orman Smith, arl Morcenstern.

Those In attendance from away In ludrd and Mra. Joseph Krulth of umberland. Md, Mr. and Mrs. Ite'u en Smith of Buffalo, Mr.

and Mrs. erman and Mra. Burt Jones. Mr. and Mrs.

lleubcu Mor- Krnstcrn. Mrs. Patrick Mnrphy. Miss Florence Smith, Mr. and Mrs.

Charles Morgenjtern, Mrs. Fred MorBenstern of Westfleld. Mrs. Joseph Smith and Ilsrlry and Smith ot Eldrcd, 1'a. Mr-ami Mn.

Charles Morcenstern of Mayrllle and Mr. and Mn. George Morrenstern of Olmn. Tbe burial was In Forest Hill cemetery. ohn Mullelt.

officiating. The bear- OKI (Ifl-Vct (19 nooserelt ra were Henry. Alfred. Heabcn and.o'l'UU notem nocso irlth tsrd wot electric lights, ens. bath.

Let Is ISi IL Small payment, easy terms. tbo urcs modem MUSICIANS NOTICE Kecular quarterly meeting. Sunday iraerre rooms. Secretary. tondwlll of Jamr-stnirn, Miss Iluth larker and Merrltt Wllcoi of Corry.

atul Mlis llohn of Fre-1 H.IHN tJO weekly spare time at iloiila of Itobert Palmer home, addressing, malllnr. music clr- for a Year'a hoaja party at the culars. Bend lOc for music an! In- (huiiip Jlr. and Mra. Ncltou J.

Pal- formation. Co-Operatlre Music Co. St mrr In U'aihlnjtton aieune. Minn. family flat at Na'7J Kins SL She ot lot 55 ft by ft Uilnt room dining roam.

Xftehen. bed rooms and batn In each flat, hard nood Boors, hot water heat. electric lljbts. tas. cement cellar, parcnient.

larjo barn. Small payment acd easy terms. buy an room hosje Ka Howard Are. Has electric cever. valer.

tas. furnace, cellar. parcmenU lot la (Or. 140 ft bun- Ate. (near Tenny SL) Ilaa electric litbti.

sever, water, gas. Lot is 40 It. by 100 It. Small payment, caay terms. P.

'hone 4076 CULLINAN REALTOR Fourth SL -of- SHEEP'SKIN COATS, LEATHER JERKINS, HUNTING COATS, PANTS.AND SHOES MACKINAWS A.M. BooradyCo. 81E.TUrdSL Ergigencnt Announced Mr. ami Mrs. Anthcny Kuidul i North (iaielle strict anuonnco Ihn rn racemeut nf their daughter.

Jull Sotli. lo Thomas Kutkotvskl Jr. Everigirl's Club The n-sutlr meetlnts of tbe Ciery Elrl's Club will be resumed on Monda nUht, when a meellni; will be bel la the high school at the utual hoar There have been no meetings durlni past two weels. the Christma party closing the actliltles for 1111. Dinner Party Mr.

and Mrs. William Kcbleckcr Leopard street entertained a patty twelve friends at dinner on Nei Year's Etc. The from nut-ot town were: Mr. and Mrs. Edward I'lalstow, Mr.

and Mrs. Grant font and son of North Tonawanda and Miss touUe Meraw of IluRalo. St. Mary's Club About members of SL Mary's Club held an enjoyable on Wednesday creulnic at the Hotel Francis. Cards and dancing; were enjoyed, Mittcson'a orchestra fur nlthlnc Iho music.

At midnight. noise-makers and other favors were distributed and added to tho fun. Danclni continued nntll one o'clock. Thomaa Ilellly was chairman of the affair. At Shoreweod Tho annual New Tear'a Kie party at the Country Club wai ono of the chief social events "of the holiday week.

About one hundred people at- ended, danclne beclnalnc about cine 'clock. Twentieth Centurj or- hestn played. meits Incladed nsny holiday rliltors, Mrt. C7eraM II. Vllllams and Mrs.

Nelson J. Palmer nlertalnlnc parties. bullet supper was srrveil at eleren o'clock. New Year's Party annual Ntw Tear't parly ot SI. oha'a (iullj wai helj la Cbautauqut all on Thursday erenlnr, waa Itendetl by ittersl haadred'peonli.

urpcr waa served at attractively Why You Should Choose Your Dealer as Carefully As You Do Your Car ''THE sum of money spent by car owners for maintenance and 1 operation now exceeds the sum of money spent forbears. Do you realize what this means to the man who is buying an automobile? Getting a suitable car is only half of the problem. It is equally important that you get it from a suitable dealer. Cost of maintenance and dependability of operation rests squarely upon the local responsibility existing for the car you buy. The dealer who sells you the car is the only one who can be expected to assume this responsibility.

It is still characteristic of this house that those who buy a car here never need to or want to go elsewhere for whatever the car may require. QUAY'S Garage Machine Shop 113.115-117 CENTRAL AYE Distributor of Giant Firestone, Solid and Pneumatic tires. JEWETT PAJOB OAKLAND FLINT CARS STEWART TRUCKS!.

Dunkirk Evening Observer from Dunkirk, New York (2024)


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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Author information

Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.