Dragon Heist - Hell of a Summer Recruitment - Play-By-Post - D&D Beyond General - D&D Beyond Forums (2024)


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Dragon Heist - Hell of a Summer Recruitment

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  • #1 Jun 16, 2024



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    • Swashbuckler
    • Location: CA
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    Waterdeep in turmoil! The City of Splendors finds itself in the midst of political tumult and financial crisis as Spring draws to a close and the Summer heat fast approaches. The Masked Lords of Waterdeep have voted to oust and exile former Open Lord Dagult Neverember, whose tenure was rife with scandals and power-grabbing schemes, and replaced him with the archmage Laeral Silverhand. Several of Neverember’s loyalists within the city government left with him, leaving Waterdeep’s bureaucracy hamstrung and kindling fears of economic hardship. Criminal elements within the city like the Xanathar Guild and the Zhentarim have also become more brazen, going so far as to fight with one another in the streets, spreading the City Watch thin. In the midst of this conflict, an unexpected group of heroes will emerge and discover a half-a-million gold pieces-worth conspiracy that will change not just their fates, but the fate of the City of Splendors and all its people…

    Hello! Summer is upon us Northern Hemisphere-dwelling folks, and as such I am seeking 5 PLAYERS to join me in a summertime romp through the city of Waterdeep in this rendition of the Dragon Heist published adventure! I’ll be taking and leaving certain elements within the adventure, shaking things up a bit, and if all goes well make an exciting game for us all.


    I’m a pretty story-driven DM, I put the narrative of the game on a higher priority than abiding by the game’s rules. I enjoy putting my PCs in the spotlights and giving them opportunities to make cool choices or attempt daring feats. I also like to weave backstory or player goal elements throughout the story to give your character further incentive to interact with the story.

    I also play with lines, veils, and safety tools in place. More on the specifics regarding those when I cultivate the final group. It’s a game, we’re all here to have fun, I don’t want to upset someone by including a triggering topic.

    I intend to post at least once a day and keep the group updated on any situations that may prevent me from posting. I expect those I recruit to do the same for me. Life is hard, stuff comes up now and then that puts the game on the back burner. No big deal, just be sure to let the group know if something has come up that will delay you or take you out of the game for a bit.

    This game takes place in the Forgotten Realms Setting but I am not too strict on the lore of this Setting as I am with others.

    Please only apply if you are 18+. No minors. Sorry.

    This game will be LGBTQIA+ inclusive and will feature characters who are queer as well. I will not tolerate any hate or discrimination.

    I intend to make use of a digital tabletop for this. I’d like to try the D&D Beyond Maps service so we can keep things contained to this site, but if I don’t like it I may switch to Owlbear Rodeo or Roll20.

    Here are some homebrew rules I play with. These are not hard and fast, they are negotiable, but I like to introduce them as a baseline:

      • Free Feat at Character Creation.Pretty simple, but everyone gets a free feat at character creation. Feats will be subject to my approval, but I don’t anticipate I will be shooting anyone down. Variant humans do not get 2 feats, if you want to play human just play the vanilla version or a custom lineage.
      • Healing Potions. During combat, you may use a bonus action or an action to administer a healing potion to either yourself or another unconscious creature. If you use a bonus action, roll to see how much HP the potion restores as normal. If you use an action, the potion heals the maximum amount of HP it can confer. For instance, a standard healing potion heals 2d4+2 HP. Using an action to consume the potion would heal 10 HP. Drinking a healing potion outside of combat also restores the maximum amount of HP it can confer.
      • Dazed. Rather than subject players to the stunned condition and take away their turns, I like to run with the dazed condition set out in MCDM’s Flee, Mortals!
        A dazed creature can only do one of the following things on their turn: move, use an action, or use a bonus action. Effects that players use to stun NPCs, such as a Monk’s stunning strike, still utilize the stunned condition.
      • Exhaustion. I like the One D&D version of exhaustion much better than 5e’s RAW. For every level of exhaustion a character takes, they suffer a -1 to attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws. You can suffer a maximum of 10 exhaustion levels before you begin dying of said exhaustion. A long rest removes 1 level of exhaustion, as do spells such as lesser restoration.
      • Unconscious. If you fall to 0 HP, you are considered unconscious and must roll death saves at the start of your turns, but you are not out of the fight completely. You are considered prone and cannot stand until you are restored to at least 1 HP, and your speed is halved as you can only crawl. You may use a bonus action or an action while unconscious, such as make an attack, cast a spell, or drink a potion. Performing an action or bonus action in this way automatically makes you suffer 1 level of exhaustion.
      • Flanking. Flanking an enemy grants advantage on melee attacks against the flanked enemy. Some enemies cannot be flanked.
      • Rule of Cool. If you want to attempt something that does not quite have a mechanical representation or is a bit outside your skill set, run it by me and let’s see what we can come up with. Usually attempting something beyond your abilities will have some sort of cost or consequence attached. If you’re willing to accept the consequences for your actions, I am usually willing to let you attempt whatever it is you’re trying to do. Let your imagination run wild.


    Despite the name, Dragon Heist is a bit more of a mystery and investigation-driven game than a heist one. There are certainly heists that the group may undertake in pursuit of their goals, but more often than not they will be looking for clues, interviewing and interacting with people, throwing in with (and against) certain factions, and chasing down leads. There will also be plenty of combat against the various denizens of Waterdeep, both of the monstrous and man varieties.

    Additionally, the adventure as published takes place entirely in the city of Waterdeep. We may venture outside of it a little bit if I see an opportunity, but for the most part we will not be leaving town. Keep that in mind as you build your character.

    Along with the many threats within Waterdeep, the group may have to contend with the City Watch every now and then. You may have to break the law now and then in this game. Maybe you all will reach a point in your adventuring power where you can kick the entire Watch’s butts all the way to Deepwater Bay, but beating up the Watch is not really the point of this adventure, they aren’t really an obstacle you’re meant to overcome through force. The threat of the Watch and the Laws of Waterdeep aren’t meant to keep you from having fun, but they are there to add some extra tension when you are doing something less-than-legal and perhaps prompt you to come up with creative approaches to problems.

    Your Character

    Waterdeep is no stranger to adventurers. Your character could be a local or from abroad, but they’ve ultimately ended up in Waterdeep, and their goals and motivations should keep them in its general area. Times are becoming rather hard in Waterdeep, and as such more are turning to adventuring to make a profit.

    Waterdeep is a cosmopolitan place - while most of the population is made up of humans, elves, halflings, dwarves, and gnomes, any creature can call this place their home so long as they abide by its laws (or at least appear to).

    As you craft your backstory, consider why you’re in Waterdeep and what you plan to achieve here. Do you want to start a business? Get involved in local politics? Join the clergy of one of the various deities represented in the town’s temples? Are you running away from a bad past? Are you looking for someone? Give your characters goals to work towards, maybe some goals that could be achieved by getting a cut of 500,000 Gold pieces!

    When the final group comes together, we will be forming connections between the PCs so that this isn’t just a random group of strangers that joined forces out of nowhere, but a party of mutual acquaintances that have sensibly banded together. Leave some room in your backstories for these connections to fit in!

    As far as mechanics go, you can use any Official Materials to create your character. Tasha’s Optional Class and Ancestry Features are not only allowed, but encouraged, especially if you decide to play a Ranger. Critical Role Content is okay, but no other 3rd Party Content please. You don’t need to put together a character sheet just yet, but if you decide to do so, create a Level 1 character. Use standard array or point buy for ability scores. Take standard starting equipment.

    Ultimately, play a character that you will have fun playing!

    This adventure will take us up to Level 6, at which point we can either end it or move on to another published adventure or a homebrew affair where we tie up loose ends from the Dragon Heist stories and backstory shenanigans.

    Application Format

    • Character Name: (include pronouns if you so desire)
    • Ancestry:
    • Class: (include subclass or intended subclass/multiclass down the line if you so desire)
    • Background:
    • Backstory: (Please put in a spoiler - press the little exclamation point on the right side of the reply menu. Please post 1 Paragraph at least and 2 Paragraphs at most!)
    • RP Sample: (Same as above, put in a spoiler please. This can be pretty freeform, but give us a glimpse into how this character interacts with the world around them. Stick them in a combat or a social encounter and describe what ensues. 1 Paragraph at least, 2 paragraphs at most.)

    Recruitment will end on 6/21 at 4:00 Pacific (UTC-8) or when I feel I have reached a satisfactory number of applications.

    Last edited by MightyOwl: Jun 16, 2024

    DM | Dragon Heist: Hell of a Summer
    Jasper Garrai - Aasimar Ranger/Cleric |The Dark Below
    Hyacinth Hagsbane - Ranger |

  • #2 Jun 16, 2024



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    • Veteran
    • Location: California
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    Dragon Heist - Hell of a Summer Recruitment - Play-By-Post - D&D Beyond General - D&D Beyond Forums (3)

    Dragon Heist - Hell of a Summer Recruitment - Play-By-Post - D&D Beyond General - D&D Beyond Forums (4)

    • Character Name:G'halbjorne "G'hal" Fallowfleid
    • Ancestry: Human (custom lineage)
    • Class:Warlock (The Fathomless)
    • Background:Entertainer
    • RP Sample: "Bah! Why must I always get myself into such trouble?" the younghuman thinks to himself as he faces the 3 thugs he just insulted. "Yes, I did so eloquently described your pathetic actions as such, but that was only in retaliation for your crass interruption of my performance." G'hal flourishes his blade, "But I'm guessing were now at the end of the act and ready for the finale."
    • Backstory:

      As a young and naive actor sailing the great sea between venues in the Feywild, the ship Ghalbjorne hadtaken passage on was sucked into a whirlpool. It was torn apart by the elemental chaos like a toy in the hands of a malicious child. He woke upon the shores of an unknown island where he was rescued by a sea elf named Selemus. All he remembers is that he stayed with her for a great while, then found himself in these lands, unsure if it was real or just a dream. What he does know is that he now has new abilities and a compulsion to adventure, which worries him. He had always been happy just to be a background character in the great plays, now he feels the need to be one of the "leads".

    Last edited by Bjorn_Stahle: Jun 16, 2024

    Cats go Moo!

  • #3 Jun 16, 2024



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    • Gallant
    • Location: Glenbrook
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    • Put your spoiler

      BACKSTORY: *It is reputed Sion's family fled the Underdark to make a better and just life. Heisn't really sure. As he was raised by a 'Drow' friendly community and was well treated but something kept bringing him to question where he came from and what that means and more so when he once absconded from the community and upon entering a local village he was derided and shunned by those who saw him. This had a profound and startlingly effect upon him. He raced back to his community where the elders of the village tried to settle him. He was more confused and more than ever he wanted answers and the community he loved couldn't give him what he wanted ...

      RP SAMPLE: * 'Why do I always get the dreg shift?', Si knew the answer. As a junior City Watch member in Waterdeep, he understood he should be grateful he had a job at all! He got it, no one wanted to work with him on any shift. So his superior thought it was highly amusing putting him on night shifts with Targ a Half-Orc who couldn't string a coherent sentence together and loved any opportunity to Brawl. So Si was mandated to not only keep the peace but keep Targ out of trouble!

      There's got to be something better out there then this?, thought Si to himself while walking alongside Targ. 'It looks like its going to be a dreary night, rains on its way' he said to Targ, who simply grunted. Targ wasn't a fan of working with Si either. Targ detested he was partnered with a Drow and he secretly hoped one day there was an opportunity to test himself against him then the other guards would respect him more. Suddenly, screams and sounds of fighting could be heard ahead as heavy rain started to fall. Targ races off leaving Si standing there. 'Seriously Targ, cant you for once think before we race into anything?' Si readies himself for what is to come. Fear and anger as a Drow and and a Half-Orc nut bag attempt to keep the peace. What could possibly go wrong?


      • CHARACTER NAME: Sion Prime (otherwise known as Si)
      • ANCESTRY: Drow
      • CLASS: Rogue /sub: Phantom

    Last edited by Angel_dePrime: Jun 17, 2024

    • PbP - Soma Prime (Metallic Dragonborn - Paladin)
    • Praxious Rex De Prime (Eldarin - Ranger)
  • #4 Jun 16, 2024



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    • Adventurer
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    • Character Name:Agar
    • Ancestry: Human
    • Class:Paladin (would MC to shadow sorcerer at level 3, then after some character development take the Oath of Redemption)
    • Background:Knight of the Order (Silver Hand)
    • Backstory:

      He has always aspired to be a knight but even more so a paladin, and strove to act in a way fitting of such at every opportunity, bringing light and good to everyone and everywhere he could His days were filled with acts of good and honor, and his daydreams with visions of ridding the world of great monsters, Holy Avenger in hand. His nights, however, and his dreams were quite different. In them, he walked a nightmarish world lacking in color, everything and everyone seemingly composed of shades of grey, including himself.

      Hidden from all but the gods, a shadow lay behind his eyes, flowed through his veins and pooled in his heart. He could feel it, and imagined its taint in every impulse or thought which was other than absolutely pure. Fleeing from the shadow, seeking to purge it, he joined the paladin order and chose to follow the track which might have led him to swearing the highest oath - the oath of Devotion. He's in Waterdeep at the behest of the Order, his first independent mission, for behind the facade of the City of Splendor lies much evil and corruption.

      RP Sample:

    • One day, he joined otherpaladins on amission which saw them guard a caravan. Orcs attacked and as he fought one, the creature knocked his shield out of his hand. He lost his footing and fell backward and as the axe came down he could tell it would strike true and end him. He focused for an instant on his need for a shield - any shield - to stop the weapon. He had to have one, would not accept not having it.
      Was it just his imagination? Was he wrong about the axe's trajectory? Did he really see a part of his own shadow detach itself and strike the weapon's blade, deflecting it just enough for it to miss him? He stuck out his sword toward the orc's heart as the creature overextended toward him, and it impaled his enemy. Afterward, he agreed with everyone else that he was extremely lucky that the orc missed - but he knew better. The shadow within had reacted to his will, almost eagerly, and saved him from certain death.

  • #5 Jun 16, 2024



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    • Lyrist
    • Join Date: 2/24/2018
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    This seems like a really interesting campaign! Putting this a placeholder, but I should have a character submitted by tomorrow <3

    Juniper Summers in Drakkenheim - Mind and Matter
    Delphine Bennett in The Dark Below
    Ilmrae Zolier in Dragon Heist - One Hell of a Summer
    Loralai Darkleaf in The Storm King's Thunder

  • #6 Jun 16, 2024

    • Character Name:Keulen
    • Ancestry: Human
    • Class: Bard
    • Background: Entertainer (Juggler, Fire-Eater and Actor)
    • Backstory:

      Keulen is a foundling, an orphan left on the streets and picked up by a woman with a big heart and many "friends".At the time of her death one of these friends- a juggler in a permanent city circus - decided to raise the boy. Since then Keulen became "the circus boy" learning how to entertain with clubs, oranges, pitch and fires, comedies, backflips... anything that could make theshow more spectacular.

      Nobody knew his true parents, though everyone used to whisper that "nobles" have the right to make children andabandon them at once. Keulen developed two distinct thougths:
      "Cool! I would love to become one of them and do whatever pleases me"
      "They are true bastards. I would love to becometheir head and crush all of their rights"
      Whichever sentence were dominant, one goal was clear: he wants to buy his way up to Waterdeep nobility.

    • RP Sample:

      Here he is... that dragonborn thief won't go away with Maria's necklace (at least not before she gave me that kiss we talked so much about...).
      "That way! Go for the nothern street and cut his escape, I'll continue to chease him from behind"
      The slim guard nods me and turns right.I'm trusting on his speed but he doesn't look so bad in running. The thief , instead, is clearly not one of the city: today, at this time, this street is too crowded for him to gain a real advantage on me.

      After two intersections, the guard appears in front of us. He succeed to pass through the alleys, as I though! Perfect!
      The dragonborn abrubtly stops. The guard unsheats his sword. Keulen acts at the speed of a lightning: he throws hisball near the thief head, to distract him, and pin his dagger to the unprotected throat.
      The guard, panting, congratulates "I thought you were just a juggler"
      Keulentwirls the dagger between his fingers. "I am... sometimes"he replies winking.

  • #7 Jun 16, 2024



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    • (Perfect)
    • Join Date: 6/30/2017
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    • Character Name: Mialee Siannodel
    • Ancestry: Drow
    • Class:Cleric (Twilight Domain - Priestess of Eilistraee)
    • Background: Entertainer (Dancer, Juggler, and Storyteller.)
    • Backstory:

      Mialee was always mistreated by her family whose fall from grace within the drow hierarchy was blamed on her inability to commune with Lloth. A daughter was usually a blessing among the drow but one unable to properly worship their evil goddess was next to useless. Therefore her family planned to sacrifice her to Lloth in hopes that they would gain favor in the eyes of their evil goddess. Hearing whispers at night that guided her away and to the surface Mialee followed the instructions she received. It was a journey of self discovery learning how to survive the many dangers of the Underdark.

      After many days, or weeks for she had lost sense of the passage of time, Mialee emerged on the surface near a calm lake under the light of a full moon. Near the lake danced a naked drow with long silvery hair and when she called to Mialee to join her, Mialee recognized the voice as the one that had whispered to her in the Underdark and led her to her freedom. Mialee removed her clothing and joined Eilistraee in her dance under the pale moonlight. Before parting ways Eilistraee gently caressed Mialee's face and removed the scars she had suffered during her mistreatment as a child by her family, restoring her extraordinary beauty and granting Mialee her blessing to become a priestess.

    • RP Sample:

      Mialee looked over the goods the merchant had on display. It was a fine collection indeed, many odds and ends gathered from raids and the odd encounter with drow. She was looking for any that didn't belong, sometimes those on the surface didn't understand the difference between the drow who followed Lloth and the drow who worshiped Eilistraee. Finally she happened to spy a small disc that bore the depiction of a naked drow dancing with a sword set against the full moon, all intricately carved from a single piece of silver. Without betraying just how valuable the holy symbol was she began negotiations.

      "How much for this piece?" she acted as if she wanted to purchase something just so she wasn't wasting the merchant's time after not finding anything of interest.
      The merchant however knew she wouldn't of selected something if it didn't have some value. "4 gold." He stated flatly.
      "1 gold, it is after all quite small and there isn't a large market for drow trinkets." She raised her almond eyes and looked at the merchant, letting a smile adorn her face.
      "3 gold, there is always someone willing to buy such items, perhaps a gnome inventor who would scrap it just for the silver."
      Mialee couldn't allow it to be destroyed, "2 gold, and not a copper more." she hoped to end the haggling.
      "2 gold... and a sweet kiss to remember the beauty who got the better of me with such a sweet deal." The merchant pushed his luck.
      After a brief moment of surprise at the merchant's boldness, Mialee agreed. She simply couldn't let the holy symbol end up as scrap. "Done." She fished out 2 gold and handed them over before planted a kiss on the merchant's lips, she had considered kissing his cheek but quickly dismissed the idea as the merchant might claim foul and she would have to then kiss him twice to secure her purchase.

    "A rightful place awaits you in the Realms Above, in the Land of the Great Light. Come in peace, and live beneath the sun again, where trees and flowers grow."

    —The message of Eilistraee to all decent drow.

    "Run thy sword across my chains, Silver Lady, that I may join your dance.”

    —A basic prayer.

  • #8 Jun 16, 2024



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    • Thaumaturgist
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    Posting interest. I will create an app soon. :)

    Characters: Bryony Alderleaf - Lvl. 3 Halfling Rogue (Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk) ♦ Evelyn Drake - Lvl. 4 Human Wizard (Rule of Change) ♦ Aranea Kendrick - Lvl. 4 Human Warlock (Where the Cold Winds Blow) ♦ Elsenia Vesper - Lvl. 2 Shadar-kai Druid (Strixhaven)

    DMing: Curse of Strahd

  • #9 Jun 17, 2024



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    • (Perfect)
    • Join Date: 3/24/2020
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    • Character Name: Thrain Gemheart (they)
    • Ancestry: Mountain Dwarf
    • Class: Wizard (Evoker)
    • Background: Noble
    • Backstory:

    Thrain Gemheart hails from a prestigious and wealthy family of gem cutters in the northern mountains. The Gemhearts have been renowned for generations for their exquisite craftsmanship and their ability to uncover and shape the most precious gems in all the realms. Thrain grew up surrounded by luxury and opulence, living a life of privilege and indulgence. Spoiled and with little understanding of hardship, Thrain’s childhood was marked by a series of mischiefs and reckless adventures.

    Recognizing Thrain’s latent magical abilities, their family sent them to one of the finest wizarding academies in Waterdeep, hoping that the rigorous training and discipline of the arcane arts would temper their wild nature. However, Thrain’s fascination with the destructive potential of evocation magic only grew stronger at the academy. The only dwarf in the academy, they developed a reputation as a brilliant but unpredictable student who reveled in the explosive power of their spells.

    • RP Sample:

    Thrain Gemheart stood in the dimly lit alley, a mischievous grin on their face as the shady figures drew weapons. "Back off now, or you’ll regret it," Thrain warned, gripping their arcane focus—a finely cut sapphire on a silver chain. When the thugs charged, Thrain’s eyes gleamed with excitement. With a flick of their wrist, Thrain unleashed a fireball, the alley erupting in a blaze of heat and light. The explosion sent the attackers sprawling, their clothes singed and their courage shattered.

    As the leader scrambled to his feet and fled with the remaining thugs, Thrain's laughter echoed off the walls. "Told you, didn’t I?” Dusting off their hands, Thrain retrieved the dropped spell scroll and tucked it into their pouch. The thrill of the encounter still coursing through their veins, they turned and strolled out of the alley, already eager for the next explosive adventure.

    Last edited by Backstabitha: Jun 17, 2024

  • #10 Jun 17, 2024



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    • (Perfect)
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    Character Name: Finley Falstaff (he/him)

    Ancestry: half orc

    Class: barbarian (path of ancestral guardian. The spirit of Fiona comes back to defend and also taunt Finley)



    Finley and his twin sister Fiona grew up in the slums of the Dock Ward. Their mother had died in child birth and their father raised them as human children, teaching them to shun their savage orcish heritage. He ran a rough and tumble tavern. The twins grew up watching and learning from the worst Waterdeep has to offer. Finley grew strong and Fiona grew wiley.

    Finley and Fiona had a racket they’d run on patrons. Usually they would pick drunk fools, but when a man in black armor entered the tavern Finley got greedy. Despite Fiona’s warnings, Finley insisted on running their gambit. While Finley challenged the man to a contest of strength, Fiona would pick his pocket. But Finley misjudged the man. He caught Fiona and sliced her throat on the instant. Finley flew into a rage and the man in black beat him to within an inch of his life.

    Finley won’t soon forget the mistake that took away his sister.

    RP Sample:

    Finley stood watching the well dressed man come towards him. He knew it was his mark by the gold-trimmed green cloak the man wore. As the man passed Finley’s position in the alley, the big brute grabbed him by the neck and dragged him into the shadows.

    Then came the fun part.

    After a few gut punches to knock the wind out of the man, he grabbed his throat and got in close. Finley had made sure to eat a whole bowl of sardines that morning, so his breath was quite a bit ranker than normal.

    “Aemon says you owe ‘im some coin. And Aemon’s not a man vat is f*cked wiff. I’m ‘ere to collect, as it were.”

    “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” the man said. Finley was mostly sure he was lying.

    “Right ven,” he said, cracking his knuckles. “I’ll take it from yer ‘ide.”

    Writer • Podcaster • Professional Gamemaster

    playing Jin Wei, human (Kara-tur) way of the Four Elements Monk in the Princes of the Apocalypse

  • #11 Jun 17, 2024



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    • Lyrist
    • Join Date: 2/24/2018
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    Quote from Amorillo >>

    This seems like a really interesting campaign! Putting this a placeholder, but I should have a character submitted by tomorrow <3

    Character Name: Ilmrae Zolier (She/They)
    Ancestry: Custom Lineage - Aevendrow
    Class: Sorcerer - Aberrant Mind
    Background: Far Traveler

    Ilmrae Zolier, or Immy for short, was an Aevendrow who grew upin the city of Callidae, the haven of Aevendrow to the far flung north. Naturally curious, she often explored lesser-known ice caves and tunnels, where she befriended a flumph. Although the being's name was unpronounceable, Immy called them Bei due to the feel of their telepathic communication resembling the letter B.

    Initially, Immy's parents didn't believe in Bei's existence, as few outside the city knew about the flumph. However, Immy began developing unusual talents, which led her parents to suspect Bei's influence. After some convincing, they followed Immy into the tunnels and met Bei, confirming her story. Accepting but cautious, they allowed Immy to continue exploring with Bei. Recently, Immy persuaded her parents to let her venture beyond the city to explore the wider world. With Bei staying with her family, Immy set off, eager for new adventures and friends.

    RP Sample:

    Immy gave a slow nod as she listened, pale blues moving from the half-elf, to mushroom, and back again. While she'd heard the name of Candlekeep, it's actual location- or function, really. Was it a candle making shop?- was lost on her. But, she wasn't about to announce her ignorance in the topic. Waterdeep, though, certainly caught her attention, eyes flashing with recognition.

    "Oh! Yes, I've heard of Waterdeep! It's south of Neverwinter, right? That's where I earned this." Her free hand plucked lightly, proudly, at the colorful tunic she sported. Her smile faded as her companion hid his face, realizing the experience must have been more harrowing than the bard was letting on. "O-oh, that sounds... pretty awful, actually. Sorry you went through that..." The smile took on a smirking lilt, half reassuring and mildly teasing, testing. "It'd be weird to say that I'm glad you're here, though, right? After all of that. Or selfish, that I'm not alone with..." She trailed off, shifting her head towards their two, farther away allies, brows raised in a meaningful look.

    Dragon Heist - Hell of a Summer Recruitment - Play-By-Post - D&D Beyond General - D&D Beyond Forums (13)Dragon Heist - Hell of a Summer Recruitment - Play-By-Post - D&D Beyond General - D&D Beyond Forums (14)

    Last edited by Amorillo: Jun 19, 2024

    Juniper Summers in Drakkenheim - Mind and Matter
    Delphine Bennett in The Dark Below
    Ilmrae Zolier in Dragon Heist - One Hell of a Summer
    Loralai Darkleaf in The Storm King's Thunder

  • #12 Jun 17, 2024



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    • (Perfect)
    • Join Date: 9/29/2023
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    Character Name: Ulf Steelbraid

    Ancestry: Hill Dwarf

    Class:Fighter (Battle master)

    Background:Soldier (officer)


    Ulf grew up in the Waterdeep - one of 5 sons of a blacksmith and a seamstress. The eldest. As he was maturing, he showed interest in the military and joined the town guard as soon as he could swing a weapon. Soon enough he realized, that being a town guard means that he just needs to sit at a street corner all day, so he left and joined a local mercenary force. In there he was able to show some skill and soon was making a lot of money and was even let to command a squad of infantrymen. His younger brothers looked up to him and they all joined the mercenaries as well even when both of their parents were against it.

    Cut forward - Ulf is in dirty and scrappy clothes, sitting in a puddle near a tavern with a stretched out hand, begging for coins. His all went missing during a mission. When he started asking questions, he was dishonorably discharged. Trying to find out what happened to his brothers bankrupted him, but as he slid down the "food chain of society", he learned that he is largely ignored, and this is the perfect position to investigate.

    RP Sample:

    As some soldiers approach a tavern:
    Ulf: "Spare ah coin fer a poor beggar will ye?" Ulf says and makes his mercenary tattoo visible
    Soldier: "Sod off you filth..... Oh, didn't realize, how did you end up here"
    Ulf: "Oi, be kind to an old officer will ye! Yer career ends when ye can't lift yer sword no more"
    Soldier: puts some copper coins in Ulfs palm "Here you go, hope that helps. Rock and stone!"
    Ulf: pumps his fist in the air "Rock and stone me lad! So what the ol' Wolves of Waterdeep be doin?"
    Soldier: "Ah quite boring now. Guarding some silver-spoon-up-his-arse merchant" putsmerchant in airquotes.
    Ulf: "Hehe, me know the type of them arses. More trouble than pay"

  • #13 Jun 17, 2024



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    • (Perfect)
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    This sounds interesting! Here's the basics:

    Name: Dierdre Oakbridge

    Ancestry: Stout halfling

    Class: Cleric, Grave Domain

    Background: Folk Hero

    Dragon Heist - Hell of a Summer Recruitment - Play-By-Post - D&D Beyond General - D&D Beyond Forums (17)


    Dierdre isn't your normal adventurer, some young upstart ready to make a name for themself. She's decidedly middle aged, has seen plenty of life and doesn't suffer fools gladly.
    As a Vassal of the Black Hound, she is quiet spoken but authoritative; gentle when helping those who need help, and ruthless against undead of any form. Despite her appearance and manner, she isn't some dour priest, looking down on folk. As one who deals with death on a regular basis, she celebrates life, but on her own terms and only when it's appropriate.

    Although she was raised in a traditional halfling village, her calling has led her down several paths, and now she finds herself in Waterdeep. Her role here is fairly straightforward; administer to those who are suffering and are ready for the next life, and if required deal with any who refuse to stay dead. How long she will stay is unknown; if the Black Hound calls, she will heed his call – wherever it may take her.


    Dierdre sat by the side of the bed in the one room hovel that Jago called home. Like many other halflings in Waterdeep he had been affected by the increasing unrest of the city, finding himself pushed further and further down, until life was just a struggle to avoid death; a struggle he had now lost. Murmuring soft words, she kept vigil for his last moments until with a sigh she realised he had drawn his last breath. Folding his arms across his chest she uttered a quiet prayer for Urogalan to take him onwards.
    Getting to her feet, she ignored the slight creak in her knees and headed outside. Spying another of the local halflings, she called him over. “Jago has passed. Speak to the undertaker and arrange for his burial. When you done so, give me the details and I will watch over it.” Passing a few coins she continued “he has little in the way of earthly goods, but I expect them and him to be treated with respect. Do not disappoint me.”

    Last edited by Vedar: Jun 17, 2024

    Olan Fargrove - Elf Swashbuckler Qal Joharge - Human Monk Dierdre Oakbridge Grave Cleric

    Nyli Bemblade - Gnome Thief (Retired) Cunning Green-moss - Tiefling Barbarian (Retired) Haj i Rae - Human Gloom Stalker (Retired)

  • #14 Jun 17, 2024



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    • Adventurer
    • Location: South West UK
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    Name: Elagor Tyreen

    Ancestry: Human

    Class: Ranger

    Background: Natural Explorer


    Born into a wealthy military family, Elagor quickly disappointed. Gifted the privilege of literacy and tuition in martial skills, it was assumed by the family that he would progress quickly to command a company of soldiers, or at worst take senior position in the Watch. Unfortunately, discipline and subordination were not traits that Elagor possessed. He turned his back on that life and was cut off from his family. It was Elagor's education that formed him, under the tutelage of a devout of Daenir. He now seeks to make a living "revealing that which is hidden, learning that which is unknown". Quests of discovery call to him. Mysteries or puzzles demand resolution. Of his military training, he prefers ranged and light weapons- hence ranger class.

    RP Sample:

    Tapping at the door, Elagor waited silently for a response before entering. This time he remembered to duck, avoiding the low beam that had previously left a visible reminder upon his forehead for days. Seline had weakened since his last visit, he saw. Her time was fast approaching but the eyes that regarded him were bright and sharp. Her hand patted the rug indicating he might sit upon the bed. It would prevent her having to raise her voice which was an effort these days.
    "Did you find him? Did you speak to my son?"
    "I did. He is well and though he cannot come to you..." Elagor cringed as he saw Seline's face drain of colour, turning ashen, "...he bade me send you both his love and kindest wishes."
    "What has he made of his life?" Seline whispered. "Did I do right parting with him? I believed so at the time yet..." Elagor's hand clasped hers.
    "He is First Mate of a trader. She sailed yestertide - that is why he cannot be here. He is healthy and strong. He has your eyes and your bearing. He may be Master in a year or two."
    "My son... bless you for finding him. Bless you for bringing comfort to an old woman. I may pass easy now."

    Elagor was lost for words yet perhaps there were times when words were not necessary, he decided. By chance he had heard of her desire to locate the son she had surrendered as a child. By Daenir's grace he had tracked him down. Meeting Seline's eyes, now glistening with tears of pride and joy, it was as though they communicated with complete understanding. With knowledge comes peace. The grip upon his hand weakened and the old woman's face relaxed into the gentle sleep from which there is no waking.

    Last edited by Morinas: Jun 18, 2024

    GM, homebrew world builder and part time writer.

    Feel free to check out my Period Fantasy novella:Storm on the Cathe

  • #15 Jun 18, 2024



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    • Priest
    • Location: Baxter, TN
    • Join Date: 12/25/2020
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    • Character Name: Dale Kno
    • Ancestry: lightfoot halfling
    • Class: rogue
    • Background: criminal/spy
    • Backstory:

      Put your spoiler here.Dale learned her craft in her home town of Daggerford but a few years ago things went sideways and the heat just got to be too much. She packed her bags and struck out for Waterdeep. Here she has passed herself off as a teenage street urchin called Dale, no last name. Until a couple of weeks ago she ran with a small group of street kids calling themselves The Urchins. They worked the Trade Ward down near the South Gate and hide out in an empty warehouse nearby. Two weeks ago the turf war between the Zhent's and Xana's made it's way to our turf. We lost Skeeter, Skunk and Zee that, those of us that didn't die made a run for it. I've given up the urchin guise and am now one of the hundreds of adventures holed up in an inn on the dock ward waiting for a paycheck.

    • RP Sample:

      Skeeter yelled from the lookout post - They be here! Zhent's have come! Then the woosh of a crossbow bolt ended not just his words, but his life. The rest of us sprang up from our seats, three Zhent goons busted through the door into the room, one caught Skunk right off, the club making a sickening smack as it hit the side of his head. Come on Mr Whiskers I yelled for my pet mouse who climb up my pants leg. I made a dash for one of our escape hatches, threw the door open...before jumping in and sliding to safety I chanced a quick glance around the room...ZEE!!!! I screamed in my head. The biggest thug was closing in on her. I draw the dagger from the small of my back, thin, blackened and beautiful...I have one chance, looking at Mr Whiskers I hold the blade tip up to his nose, a kiss for luck for friend? The gray mouse's nose touches the blade and I let the dagger fly...watching as it tumbles once, twice, three times flying toward the thug...and right pass him as he brings his club down crushing Zee's shoulder...

      What happened next is still a blur. I'm told that Shayna pushed me through the hatch, once outside we ran, and ran, looking for a place to hide. The next morning Shayna and I hugged, said our goodbyes and went our own ways. Master Burke had taught me to always have a safe place, one that was nice but not too nice, one that you had to pay for to keep with access to a bath. I had just that in the dock ward, I made my way there, freshened up and put Dale the urchin to rest. I emerged from my room, No Last Name Dale the Adventurer, looking for work.

    Last edited by Deconblu: Jun 18, 2024

  • #16 Jun 18, 2024



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    • Rhymer
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    • Character Name: Lucky Silk
    • Ancestry: Tabaxi
    • Class: Rogue (arcane trickster)
    • Background: charlatan
    • Backstory:

      Name's Lucky Silk. Mom called me Silk because that's how soft I felt to her as she cradled me in her arms when I was born.And Dad said I waslucky that he stuck around long enough to give me the name Lucky. I know he's only kidding though, since he told me that joke face-to-face just last year, meaning he's stuck around all this time. Lucky me. That meansI got a great education on howto carry on the family business. Look, we feline types have dark fur, excellent nightvision, and padded paws for one reason, and one reason only: sneaking our wayinto (and hopefully back out of)illegal activities.

      Waterdeep is the perfect place to pinch a little extra from those who may not immediately notice, if you know what I mean. Everything's chaos here, people are too busy looking over their shoulder to notice what's right under their whiskers, and a guy quick on his paws can stay a step or two ahead of the authorities. At least, that's what my dad was saying right before he got nabbed by the authorities. Now he's in a dungeon somewhere in this gods-forsaken city, and it's up to me to provide for Mom and my numerous smaller siblings, the only way I know how. I gotta play the hand I was dealt, so to speak, and the only way I know how to play... is dirty.

    • RP Sample:

      Lucky nimbly dodges around various pedestrians as he barrels down the crowded street. He tries to ignore the stares and turning heads as he does so. But he can never outrun his inner monologue: I hate running.People always assume the worst, think I'm up to no good. Of course, I amup to no good, but they don't need to assume that. Why can't someone assume I'm simply training to stay in peak physical form?

      He suddenly changes course, dodges into a tight alleyway, and forces himself to slow down and look casual. There we go; new street, new me. People here don't have to see me running, and now I'm just another uninteresting bloke. Now to see what all the fuss is about. As he walks down the alleyway, he unlatches the leather satchel that had so recently belonged to the funny-looking old man, and which now belongs to him. Inside is a strangeheavytome, full of strange arcane writings....

    Last edited by T0dd0: Jun 18, 2024

  • #17 Jun 18, 2024



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    • Thaumaturgist
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    Dragon Heist - Hell of a Summer Recruitment - Play-By-Post - D&D Beyond General - D&D Beyond Forums (22)

    Character Name: Mercy Aves

    Ancestry: Tiefling

    Class: Warlock (Pact of the Genie)

    Background: Faction Agent (Zhentarim)


    Mercy's birth was a shock to her human parents, and they gifted her with a virtue name in hopes that she would aspire to live her life by that ideal despite her infernal appearance. Mercy has done her best to honor her parents, but after their untimely deaths to a plague that swept through the poorest parts of the city of Waterdeep, Mercy was left to fend for herself. Her parents had never been wealthy, and so the young tiefling often resorted to less than legal means to support herself. This was what eventually led her to the Black Network, which took her in and provided food and shelter in exchange for work. Mercy knew of the Zhents' reputation, but she was stuck between a rock and a hard place so she accepted.

    She may yet have been able to put herself on a more legitimate path but during one of her operations for the Black Network she discovered a strange lamp, half-forgotten and dusty in some nobleman's storage room. Oddly enchanted by its beauty, Mercy decided to keep it for herself, risking the expulsion or worse, likely worse, from the Black Network. Upon cleaning the lamp, she realized it was home to a noble genie, who took pity on the tiefling and offered her a deal: magic powers in exchange for the chance to explore and learn more of the Material Plane, not rotting in some storage room forgotten for a century. With her patron's help, Mercy finally thinks she might be able to have the power and the means to escape the Zhents for good and make a legitimate citizen of herself in the process.

    RP Sample:

    It was nearly three in the morning before Mercy collapsed onto her cot inside the shack she called her home in one of Waterdeep's poorest district. Now that she was alone she could finally remove the treasure she had stolen from the noble's house she'd raided earlier in the night. All of the loot was meant to go directly to the Black Network's pockets, but the lamp was so beautiful. Surprising herself at her own daring and recklessness, she'd decided to keep the treasure for herself. If the Zhents every found out, they would kill her, but Mercy knew how to keep a secret. After all they had been the ones to teach her and who best to learn how to hide from the Black Network than the Network themselves?

    The lamp was still dusty so Mercy rubbed the dust off with the sleeve of her shirt. Immediately the lamp grew warm in her hands, and she dropped it as it started to vibrate. She caught herself from screaming at the last moment as something emerged from the lamp! It looked sort of like a man, but she knew what it must be. It was a genie or more specifically an Efreet, as its skin was blood red, and its eyes glowed with hidden flames. Raising its scimitar the Efreet appeared on the verge of slaying her (Mercy raised her hands in defense although it would do little good), but the genie regarded her with pity in his eyes, looking around at her meager surroundings and her infernal appearance, which had been the cause of much prejudice even in a city as cosmopolitan as Waterdeep.

    "Serve me, and live in squalor no more," the genie's voice boomed like a firestorm.

    Characters: Bryony Alderleaf - Lvl. 3 Halfling Rogue (Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk) ♦ Evelyn Drake - Lvl. 4 Human Wizard (Rule of Change) ♦ Aranea Kendrick - Lvl. 4 Human Warlock (Where the Cold Winds Blow) ♦ Elsenia Vesper - Lvl. 2 Shadar-kai Druid (Strixhaven)

    DMing: Curse of Strahd

  • #18 Jun 18, 2024



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    • Warder
    • Location: Nottingham
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    One heist game closes, and another one opens... Sometimes fate shines upon us.

    Character Name:Laderan Swifley

    Ancestry: Harengon

    Class: Warlock | Genie (Dao)

    Background: Criminal / Spy

    Backstory: (Will edit in, but open to reworks)

    Laderan's warren was a clustered affair. His father was a forager for the community and his mother a midwife. They were the typical working family, which usually meant that food was present but portions were small and that luxuries were few and far between for their family. This wasn't something that caused Laderan any concern whilst he was young, it was just how things were as far as he understood things. Clothes were hand-me downs, toys were hand-me downs, in fact just about everything that Laderan and his siblings had other than the food in their mouths had been used by some relative or another first. This style of living can affect people in odd ways, some strive for betterment, some become jealous and covetous of the treasure others possess, others still become complacent and merely accept their lot in life.

    Laderan loved his family, that was never in question, he just got bored of the routine existence. Each day so similar to another, each month a reminder of the last, and as he got older losing the youthful energy and excitement of becoming older, he started to realise that years went by without any real change. So it was that he made up his mind, packed a sack of rags to wear and the smallest portions of food he could justify, not wanting to take anything his family would need whilst conscious that he had no idea where his next meals would be coming from. He departed that night not knowing where his path would take him, just hoping that it had something more to it than the life he saw for himself were he to stay.

    The years of vagrant travel brought change upon change, choice after choice leading to the unknown and whatever it may hold. Low times saw Laderan stealing whatever he needed to get by, sometimes alone, others he would take up with local gangs and pay his way to their masters in exchange for shelter. High times saw him working with merchants and bedding down in an actual bed, pillows and all! One particularly enjoyable stint saw him travelling with the Witchlight carnival, working as a hand as the show travelled around the Feywild. Inevitably though, Laderan moved on. Some called it wanderlust, others said he would never be content with what he had. All that he knew though was that he couldn't bear monotony, wouldn't stay in a place long enough to let that familiarity, that boredom settle in and chain him to a live better not led.

    It was upon one of Laderan's less planned departures that he came across the Genie. He had been cooling his heels in Brokenstone Vale, enjoying the fruits of a more productive period where his belly had been full and his purse likewise. As was the way of small villages, when a stranger drifts in and something bad happens, the two things are rapidly associated and the possibility of co-incidence disregarded. Understanding that justice would not be entirely impartial that day, Laderan left at a full run. The chase had ended after a couple of days, when the residents realised they were travelling too far from home and their quarry was no closer to being caught.

    Laderan had twisted his ankle in his flight and after running on it for nearly a full day he had gratefully made camp that night in a structure that was somewhere between an abandoned, run-down shack, and a ruined set of walls. He had been digging for root tubers - not the tastiest meal but needs must - in what looked to have been an old garden when he found a small buried box. He deftly picked the simple lock, and rummaged through the contents. It held a few items that had spoiled over time, a handful of coins which Laderan swiftly pocketed, and a strange piece of jewellery. It was badly tarnished but otherwise appeared to have survived it's burial fairly well. The large hoop was made of a silver metal and passed through an ornate piece of work that looked like a locket, for there was a thin line running around the shape that looked like it would open. Though despite his endeavours Laderan could not find a way to open it, so he pocketed it and retired for the night.

    Over the next days it seemed that misfortune shone brightly on Laderan. Rains came down like sheets of water, the ground became nigh impassable with his injury, and any edible items seemed scarce. He sat himself down and felt a stab of pain. Feeling into his threadbare pocket, he found the odd ring, and where the loop had been whole before, now a sharp needle point was uncovered. He fiddled and twiddled, pryed and pulled, twisted and turned until eventually there was a light *click* and a low chime rang out from the treasure. The rush of power that coalesced in front of him staggered the harengon, a swirling cloud or sand and dirt filled the air, as if a desert storm had erupted from the ring. A deep voice laughed at him then, before uttering the last words Laderan could remember, "Little rabbit, tell me what you long for..."

    The conversation was hazy in Laderan's memory, like trying to chase the memory of a dream, the images twisting and turning out of your minds grasp as you try to focus upon them. Certain facts were etched into his mind though, as permanent as granite... No longer in the Feywild, Laderan was in Waterdeep, City of Splendour, and home to some.of the richest bastards in the material plane. His opportunity for riches was alive and fresh, and the genies deal seemed to have left Laderan with an extra spring in his step as he faced the day.

    RP Sample: (Taken from posts in a previous game)



    Last edited by PolarBearSoup: Jun 19, 2024

    Bring out your inner chatacter class...

  • #19 Jun 18, 2024



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    • Initiate of the 1st Circle
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    Throwing my hat in the ring. Was really tempted to build a melee character to exploit the generous flanking rules, but plenty of people had that idea first.

    • Character Name:Ka'Zirr
    • Ancestry:Thri-Kreen
    • Class:Sorcerer (Runechild). Maybe a multiclass into Bard, Rogue, or Warlock if the story supports it.
    • Background:Far Traveler
    • Backstory:

      Ka'Zirr was born among the Thri-Kreen tribes of the Great Sand Sea of Anauroch, a harsh and magically-warped land. From a young age, he exhibited unusual markings on his chitinous exoskeleton—glowing runes that seemed to shift and change with his emotions and thoughts. These runes were a mystery to his tribe, who revered them as a sign of divine favor or ancient magic. As Ka'Zirr grew, so did his powers. He discovered he could manipulate these runes to cast spells, enhancing his natural abilities as a hunter and warrior. However, his abilities also made him a target. Fearing the unknown power, some members of his tribe saw him as a threat, while others viewed him as a potential savior.

      One fateful night, Ka'Zirr received a vision from the ancient spirits of the desert. They revealed that his runes were linked to an ancient source of magic, older than the desert itself. To understand and master his powers, he needed to leave his tribe and seek knowledge in distant lands. Driven by this vision, Ka'Zirr embarked on a journey across Faerûn. His travels took him through the harsh desert, across the verdantlands of the Heartlands, and finally to the bustling city of Waterdeep.

    • RP Sample:
    • Ka’Zirr’s multifaceted eyes flickered with reflected candlelight as he stared across the table. This 'not-hunter' in front of him could clearly not be trusted. In fact, most people here could not be trusted. But this information broker had offered information worth Ka’Zirr’s last electrum coins. The broker smirked and tapped his pipe against the table, emptying his ashes carelessly across the worn oak.

      “Well, bug boy, there you have it. There’s a Netherese relic in the ninth level of Undermountain that looks a lot like those patterns on your body.”

      Ka’Zirr clicked his mandibles sharply - an indication of displeasure among his people. He locked his cold eyes on the greasy rogue, reaching out with his thoughts.

      <I would need to hire others to enter ‘Undermountain’. Mercenaries, supplies, magic armaments, scrolls. . . such an expedition would cost tens of thousands of gold coins. Where can I find such wealth in this settlement?>

  • #20 Jun 19, 2024



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    • Swashbuckler
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    These are some great applications folks! Making it really hard to choose, as ever!

    Recruitment is closed!

    DM | Dragon Heist: Hell of a Summer
    Jasper Garrai - Aasimar Ranger/Cleric |The Dark Below
    Hyacinth Hagsbane - Ranger |

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Author: Kelle Weber

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Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

Address: 6796 Juan Square, Markfort, MN 58988

Phone: +8215934114615

Job: Hospitality Director

Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.